Er...My Eight Year Old liked it.

I understood it to be a kids movie, so I took my eight year old and her friend (who loved the first one). I was lightly bored, but they enjoyed it immensely, obviously having no concept of how embarrassed the talented actors in this film should feel as they count their (no doubt) considerable salaries!
It wasn't great, but hit the spot with the intended audience and I laughed a couple of times. I daresay it will make enough on DVD to make it worthwhile to everyone involved.

I'm suprised people get so upset considering some of the millions spent producing the real c**p out there!

"I was playing the RIGHT notes...just not necessarily in the right order"


No surprise on your comment because it has no relation to the comics and books of "Garfield". Well Jon NEVER gets a girl........ The first one was teribble, this one i have not seen yet. Garfield 2 will probably only have a little more comedy and thats it!



Phil, the first movie wasn't terrible at all, considering how hard it must of been to make considering Garfield is the only animation in the film. For example, at the begining of the first movie when Garfield is at the vets and is being carried takes talent to get the hands in the right position and the computer to make it look real enough.
Plus this movie isn't aimed at people over 30 to be honest. It's for children? So obviously you wouldn't be too entertained by it.
Plus, movies do change things. The titanic is based on a true story, but the only truth in it is the fact so many people went on a ship, died, very little survived and the boat sank due to an iceberg.
You can't expect the exact same story to be shown in a movie if its already in print.


you do have a point, but i think they still should have added more relations from the books to the movie


Yeah, my 2 year old daughter loves both Garfield movies.
'Cause they're CHILDREN'S movies.
Overanalytical comments about plot and bad acting are wasted on children.



Actually i'm 22. I liked the first movie that relied more on gags about garfield and odie, and not so much in the plot. the second one relied too much on the weak plot but had a very good villain. That said, althouth it's a kids movie, the sophisticated humour of the strip could have found its way into the movies, even in a concealled way. Garfield quoting apocalypse now & silence of the lambs were such momments but they were generally lacking. But still the first one, was an entertaining one (certainly more than i've expected).
