Did you like Garfield 2?

Did you like Garfield 2?



Sometimes Rules Are Meant To Be Broken..- Saw 3


I just saw it the other day, and it's definitely wittier and funnier then the first one! Bill Murrary continues to please as Garfield. Any Garfield purists who would rather shoot themselves in the foot than go see it don't know what they've missed!

I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed person!


I enjoyed this movie and thought it was hilarious! Tim Curry and Bill Murray definitely make a great duo, that's for sure!


WAAAYY better than the first. Good stuff.
It's a remake of the Prince and the Pauper, but with a good twist.

There's a new world order coming, Shadow, and I'm going to be a king! A KING!



This movie was horrible, and a mockery to all Garfield stands for... But well, what can you expect? The first one sucked too.
No, the next time I want to torture myself like that, I'll just poke a fork into my eyeball. It can only be more entertaining, and less painfull.

Been making movies since 1997.


I prefered Garfield 2 to the first one. More variety, faster pace, less boring, funny moments.



Yes! Its really good, very funny, i'll definetly be buying it when it comes out, i loved it! I liked it better than the first one, altho that is very good to.


Yes, certainly liked it, although I didn't find it as funny as the first one.

The extra focus on other animals, was a bit of a shame.



Yes, I liked it, i thought it was funny and enjoyable. :)

Person:A mind is a terrible thing to waste.


I liked it. I think some people just don't know how to just sit back and enjoy films like this anymore, everybody has to be a critic these days.
I liked the first one better but Tim Curry was first class and Billy Connelly was superb.


I wouldn't go as far as saying I liked it, but I didn't hate it. I would watch it again when it is on TV and I'm not having to pay to see it, but I wouldn't pay to rent it. I went to see it in a discount theatre (-ie- they show movies two months after they actually come out) for $3, I did becuase it's cheaper than renting it.



Loved first, liked second

garfield 2-7/10


yep!! liked it better than ther first 1

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


I liked it, but I thought the first one was better.




#1 sucks
#2 is much better


I saw it twice, I had to, I missed the end the first time because they threatened to kick me out, but I went back and saw the whole thing and I loved it.

I love the first Garfield movie as well, and can't really decide which is funnier, so I'd have to say I like both equally just on different levels.


me and my twin went and saw it, we were the only ones in the theater. it was hilarious and funny. me and my twin were runing around the theater and screaming and stuff, it was an awesome movie and just as good if not better than the first.




I'm one of those people who hate use of CGI for one of the main characters(They always come out lighter than the environment) and on a general basis hate movies with talking animals. Because I'm a big Tim Curry fan, I went and saw it anyways. And while it diisturbed me beyond be3lief for him to *actually* be a good character(expecially after seeing Bailey'$ Billion$), I thought it was a fantastic movie. I found it very, very funny indeed despite not liking the first at All.


yes. garfield is good movie. also, lasagna becomes very popular. thanks to garfield. "what the devil is a GARFIELD?"


Yeah I liked part 2,part 1 was alright jut too short IMO,but I enjoyed part 2 alot better,all the scenes were more enjoyable.

"Your Pissing me off Roger"-Big Ben(HOUSE)



This movie was garbage aimed at younger children cause they go,"Ooh talking cats!"
Really bad movie. The plot is dumb. The most entertaining part of the movie is seeing the evil man(he did a good job in The Last Samurai) shooting discs. And that's pretty boring...


luved it. period.


I watched it on a JetBlue plane flying from Boston to Austin. I loved it! It was soo funny! Lesson learned: fly JetBlue.

