Dude...this is nothing.

Snowboarding has crazy flips and all that, but I have to ask one question: Do they iron a shirt while doing their stuff?


The only reason I would watch First Descent is if I knew that one of the five boarders ironed a shirt while snowboarding. That would be incredibly cool and ub3r 1337.


hey, a fellow extreme ironer. not too often you come across someone dedicated to the sport. as funnymonkeybanana said, this stuf is nothing compared to the extremeness of extreme ironing. Its liike no comparison. I dont think anything could ever out extreme extreme ironing. you should all check it out. once people realize the potential it will explode, just like snowboarding, but better. Hard core for life!!!!!!




what the fk ironing have to do with putting your life on the line!!!!!!!



hell yeah, extreme ironing is the *beep* though i have yet to partake.... i guess i could iron while i trail ride..... but thats not really all that extreme, is it?

so was this movie any good, though? it got bad reviews, but i'd like to know from people who actually snowboard or who are into warren miller flicks, how it compares.


wow... thats stupid.


this movie is awesome, people who gave it bad reviews are either morons or people who dont like snowboarding and are pansies. these guys set out to find the most challenging and least ridden mountains in the world, and these runs are just sick, not to mention the disgusting air they get off those jumps.


No its the pansies like you who do gay boarding rather than extreme ironing. As for disgusting air, perhaps they should watch what they eat before going out.

If they really want to show how extreme they are they could take a bash at Tiger Tickling perhaps the most dangerous sport in the world. Will provide link if I can find it.


lol, putting their life on the line, how gay are you. Try playing marbles on a busy motoryway, now that is putting your life on the line.


why the hell is this post here? this has absolutely nothing to do with the freaking movie. you idiots have too much time to come to IMDB to randomly post your links.

as for the movie itself, it is totally geared towards riders. people who watch this thinking it's a documentary or think it has any story will be grossly disappointed. if you're an avid boarder and watch snowboarding videos, you would appreciate something like this to be on the big screen. 110 minutes of big air and fresh powder from some of the best of the sport


hey pal, dont have to call anybody an idiot, i took my 7 year old to see the movie, and after 2 hrs we both wanted more!!!!!!!!!!
a must see for anybody who likes snowboarding!!
hey yellowcow8 i owe you an apology, i went to that web site and your right the guy is an idiot and not from this earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Haha, this made me laugh. I've actually heard of extreme ironing before, when I was gathering information for my column. Sounds like an...'interesting' sport =p

As for First Descent - one of the sickest movies EVER! I may not be a Shaun White fan, but I won't fail to acknowledge that kid has some mad skills. He actually didn't annoy me in this film, which is a major plus =p

It's probably one of my all-time favorite movies

Feed your powder habit...go snowboarding!


Dubya tee eff mates

Shaun White is amazing..

and... i'd like to see ya'll try to snowboard down one of those mountains withoutbreaking your *beep* nails


You F@#!ing retards.. How stupid can you get, extreme ironing, yeah!
The stuff at www.extremeironing.com (hahaha) can hardly compare to snowboarding down the mountain in the movie.. ha!


"Extreme Ironing" sounds stupider than "Chess Boxing". And that is bad enough.


Wow, nobody here seems to have a sense of humor. Must be a bunch of wanna-be, pot-smoking, loser snowboarders.

You feel cocky too if you were full of myself.
