MovieChat Forums > The Crazies (2010) Discussion > Best line in the film!

Best line in the film!

"Dont' ask me why I can't leave without my wife and I won't ask you why you can."

Still holds up as one of the best remakes Hollywoods made in recent years.


Yeah, that was a good line, but this movie also has one of the worst lines (or worst delivery of a line) ever, in my opinion.

When David and Russel break into the room where his wife is about to die at the hands of the pitchfork weilding principal (or baseball coach), shoot him and David asks his wife "Are you okay", and she says "Not really." That was just absolutely horrible.

"You're going to need a bigger boat." - Chief Brody


I kind of agree. Every movie has that one line that makes you cringe regardless of how good it is though.


People say that on instinct, and he really had no way of knowing her physical condition. I don't think it is a bad line, and her response is amusing.



It wasn't a bad line because I always expect people to say "yeah, I'm ok" no matter if they are really ok or not.


One of my favourites was "Travis, you ask about that reward again I'm gonna throw you out the *beep* boat".
It's so funny because of how calm he is when he says it.


I love the line that Russell says when he is shot by the military and as he dies, he says *beep* you for what you did."


Yep Connor, that's my favourite, too.

"I have nipples, Greg. Could you milk me?"


I also like the line when they are in the carwash and Russ starts shooting: "I saw a movement." David: "Everything is *beep* moving." It was part the line and part Olyphant's delivery.


He is fantastic in that scene. The looks on his face when everyone is telling him to go when obviously he can't, then his delivery of "I can't get any fuckin traction" is just gold.
