Thumbs up

Is it a great movie? No. But it's a very effective horror movie. It will have you scared and nervous and it will make you jump. That's what you want a horror movie to do. It places its primary characters in a situation that you accept, and it has the characters behave in a way that you can understand. (Unlike, for example, the idiotic sorority girls in "Black Christmas," who make such stupid decisions that you assume they'd be unlikely to reach age 25 under any circustances.) There are any number of ways where this movie could have been too obvious and too over-the-top, but (other than the very formulaic ending) it does most things right.




He meant the sorority girls, not the police officers.

Anyway, I'm not a big fan of werewolf/dog flick, but this one got me very interested, so I'll definitely check it out when it comes in cinemas...

Even though I probably won't like it...

Black Christmas


I don't think it's a great movie, but I think it's an effective horror film. The ending is stupid, however. To your points, I would say:

1.) Killer dogs at night would be largely invisible, unless the island is equipped with floodlights. And I believe that killer dogs in daylight would be quite scary.
2.) You're right. They do look like normal dogs. I think that made the movie *more* effective, not less. If they looked like killer wolves, or if they seemed like alien creatures in dogs' bodies, it would have been silly. But the fact that they looked like normal dogs but were clearly *not* normal dogs, that made it far more unsettling. To me. Obviously not to you.

The sorority girls in "Black Christmas" are morons. Put yourself in their position, and I believe you would have acted very different than they did. Meantime, they're paralyzed by a "blizzard" that looks like a mild winter storm, and even though one of their sisters can drive right up to the house, the police say they can't respond to a multiple homicide in less than two hours because of the weather.

I enjoyed "Black Christmas," but there was not one moment in that movie when I was scared or nervous, not one time that I jumped. For much of "The Breed," I was nervous, and there were times that I jumped. That's the difference between an effective horror film and an ineffective one.

"Black Christmas" (remake) - 2/10
"The Breed" - 6/10 or maybe 7/10.


Easily worst horror movie of the past 20 years.. worst movie ever made, I might dare say.

Filmmaking such as this makes Showgirls look Oscar worthy. Seriously, save your time.

I was someone who could actually squeeze some entertainment value from "House of the Dead", this one is just a pure waste. I DARE someone to actually sit through this entire thing and pay attention to every screen of it, I don't believe it's humanly possible.


You don't get out much do you?


This movie is absolute cr*p. to be honest Lassie scared me more than this. Dont watch it unless you enjoyed Turner & Hooch, Homeward Bound, K9 ect



Don't worry dude...I enjoyed it too, I thought it was very entertaining and I even jumped a few times...
