Terrible Special features, WORST COMMENTARY EVER! PERIOD.

Patti Smith is a retard, why in the hell did they put the most obnoxious, wont shut the hell up woman in the world on this commentary. I know she does punk music or something, but, ugh, I hate punk, and why is this annoying B*tch on here, all she does is complain and say, "oh, I hate this part" or "oh this part is too long. Where are Dave Willis and Dana Snyder, they do good commentary.

It is the worst commentary I have ever heard. The TV series dvds have good special features, this movie does not. I like the movie itself, but the DVD is a TOTAL FREAKING COPOUT!

Punk is dead, and thank god it is, and patti smith should be dead too. She had nothing to do with this movie besides ruining the commentary with her ugly man-voice.


I agree whole heartedly

"For there's a man inside me. And only when he is out...can I walk free of pain"-Tobias Funke


You know the whole commentary track is just a riff on pretentious commentary tracks? Nobody - Smith, Snyder, etc. - is taking a thing seriously (and nobody but Dana Snyder had anything to do with the movie).

Frankly, I'd have to wonder about any ATHF fan who doesn't groove on that track. It's as mind-bendingly strange as the movie itself.

