MovieChat Forums > Being Flynn (2012) Discussion > 'Peter Sarsgaard' or 'Chris Klein' for t...

'Peter Sarsgaard' or 'Chris Klein' for the lead

People are saying that 'Topher Grace' should be casted, and although he would pull it off well emotionally, if you've read the book he doesn't quite have the troubled look needed. There's something about Sarsgaard's eyes and voice that will have the emotional impact the film needs. I'm not sure why I see Klein as my 2nd choice, but I believe he is an actor with potential who could very well prove himself with this film. As for the father, my top choices are now too old (Leslie Neilson, or Clint Eastwood) but who knows, Dennis Quaid maybe? George Clooney (long shot, but could work).

opinions on my selection? Open to anything.

Cheers, Rob

"It's better to have a gun and not need it, than to need a gun and not have it"


I've decided my pics for the film, who I'd cast:

Nick: Peter Sarsgaard
Jonathan (father): Holmes Osbourne
Brother: Ed Norton
Mother: Tea Leoni (just check out the performance she put in, in 'House of D')

"It's better to have a gun and not need it, than to need a gun and not have it"


I love Sarsgaard, but he might be a bit too old for the part. But Chris Klein? Yuck. I'm not really sure who I'd like to see Nick, but I'd like David Strathairn for the father and maybe Frances McDormand for his mom.


I know he hasn't proved himself yet, but I feel that Chris Klein has potential.

I had an 'out there' thought, what about McCauley Culkin? could work? well, somebody could make it work, haha

"It's better to have a gun and not need it, than to need a gun and not have it"


Sarsgaard isn't just too old, he's just too unlike Flynn both physically and to a greater degree vocally. Listen to Flynn's NPR interview. He's soft-spoken, understated, just very different from Sarsgaard who can't not be this neo-Malkovich guy. Not necessarily an attention whore, but not NOT one enough.

Klein is just a ridiculous suggestion.


I don't think Klein is a ridiculous selection. I just think people aren't open-minded enough to picture him in something different.

Also, what about Gordon-Levitt? He'd be great! Mysterious Skin was outstanding!

"It's better to have a gun and not need it, than to need a gun and not have it"


i agree with krazed_nut Gordon-Levitt is a great choice


yay! it only just hit me the other day, why not him? He looks the right age. Would be believable as a 'house-shifter' who does drugs, who helps out at a homeless shelter. And finding a younger Dad (say Dennis Quaid) would work well. I personally think that my FINALISE selections are now

Gordon-Levit and Holmes Osbourne (father)

"It's better to have a gun and not need it, than to need a gun and not have it"


No, really, Klein couldn't pull it off.

I think Culkin would be interesting. I could definitely see Gordon-Levitt as Nick though.


Levitt and Culkin are definately possibilities.....but why not Klein? Doesn't anyone else see that he has potential if the right opportunity comes his way?

"It's better to have a gun and not need it, than to need a gun and not have it"


I think there's a reason the "right opportunity" hasn't come his way. He's like a robot onscreen.


Levit would be great. Klein is a brilliant actor, his voice is my only concern.


definitely a robot. i've never seen a single genuine emotion cross that guys face.


Sarsgaard or Levitt are the great choices here.



Ryan Reynolds?


I agree with you about Sarsgaard, and he's pretty but not to pretty to do the role. Plus he can carry all that emotional stuff well. I think Klein is an idiot. What about Denis Leary as the dad, with some makeup on of course to age him-- he could play brilliant and drunk to the utmost. Okay, maybe Leary is a crazy idea. This movie needs good names, not just the most popular actors. How about Sean Penn as dad? Jaoquin Phoenix or Jonathan Rhys Myers as the son? Hmmmm.


I like the idea of having a character with dull eyes, ie Sarsgaard or Rhys Myers, but I also think that Gordon-Levitt could work. As for the Dad I'm not sure, I like the idea of Leary - what about Dennis Quaid? or Holmes Osbourne?

"It's better to have a gun and not need it, than to need a gun and not have it"


I agree with you about Gordon-Leavitt, that kid has impressed me time and time again, anyone see "Mysterious Skin?" Intense to say the least. The more I picture a drunk, disheveled father with a heart, I see Sean Penn. That guy can do anything. The ratty mustache he's been seen sporting lately gave me the idea. Plus he's a brilliant actor.

PS- Is anyone else a little worried about another brilliant book being turned into a so-so movie? I hope for Nick's sake this doesn't happen.


I'm not worried, I think it's in the hands of the right director. He's proved that he can swing emotion about nicely. This is gonna sound like an uneducated comment, but trust me, I've thought about it. Does anyone else see Adam Brody as a possibility?

Cheers, Rob

And yes, I have seen Mysterious Skin several times. If you haven't seen 'Doom Generation' check that out. Araki is a pyschosexual-cinema master!

"It's better to have a gun and not need it, than to need a gun and not have it"


Adam Brody's an ethnically jewish [looking] guy with a SoCal accent. Don't really think he'd pass muster in most critics and much audiences eyes as a New England guy named "Nick Flynn".


fair kidna stickin' with wanting 'Gordon-Levitt' for the role

"It's better to have a gun and not need it, than to need a gun and not have it"


I'd like to see Adam Brody in a more serious role, however, I think he's too pretty and kinda cutesy to do the role of Nick Flynn justice.

"Well, a lot of changes have gone down since Hip first hit the heartland." - Lester Bangs


DeNiro as the father and DiCaprio as the son who wrote the book. A reunion of this Boys Life would be awesome

You'd think I was Spanish how well I roll a L
