MovieChat Forums > Being Flynn (2012) Discussion > Am I The Only One Who Liked This Film?

Am I The Only One Who Liked This Film?

Sure it wasn't great, but I did think it was a very good film with some great performances and a good story that held my attention all the way through. I'd give it a 7.5/10 but most people here seem to dislike it quite a bit.


I liked it, I would give it a 9/10. I think people who get it will absolutely love the film and people who don't get it will hate it. By it I mean the situation he's going through, family problems, drug/alcohol problems, etc.

"...the future of the past is now." - Jeffrey Tobias Winger


I really enjoyed it.
Wanted to see it because a high school friend is in it (Tom Middleditch) and was stoked how good the movie was for many other reasons to.

DeNiros acting was fantastic and the overall way the movie was made was very well done imo. I felt sad while watching it but in a good way, if a movie can move me as much as this movie did then its done its job imo.

Underrated flick from this year no doubt


Loved this movie. Went out and bought the book-even better. Glad I discovered this movie, led me to take an interest in Nick Flynn's work...


I watched it last night and really enjoyed the film.


No to op you're not the only one! I LOVED it, just saw it on HBO the other day. Wonderful performances by Robert, Paul and Julianne.

I could have sworn I remembered it being nominated for awards though? The title stuck in my head, thought it was being said during last years awards season?

Told everyone I know about it and probably will take out the book.

Yeah, it's a dark topic...but it's done as a dramedy....that's what makes it cool. PLUS thought it was perfectly cast, loved the woman who played his girlfriend too!

RIP James fellow Italian, Bergen County, New Jerseyan!
