MovieChat Forums > Turistas (2006) Discussion > Nothing happened in this movie.

Nothing happened in this movie.

There was legitimately no plot, story structure, or anything else resembling what most films are normally supposed to contain.
If anyone says that "that's because it's a torture-porn" I will yet again have to strongly disagree. There was only one scene that contained even the slightest bit of "torturepornish" attributes (note: they hacked up and edited this scene through every advertisement/ trailer for this film and even played it at the beginning JUST to make you think there was more to it than there actually was).
I see no redeeming qualities to this whatsoever.
Nothing happened.

Amazing video:

reply must really be a psycho if you only search for movies to watch "Torture-Porn"

Seriously, get into a mental institution!


Did I ever say that I do that?
Nope. I simply said that some people like to use the excuse "don't go into a 'torture-porn' flick expecting a plot/ script/ good acting etc."
I didn't even know what this movie was, it just came on IFC and I happened to be watching.
Amazing video:


Then how you knew it was about "Torture-Porn"??

To another dog with that bone, mister.


As I stated in my original post, I watched trailers and looked at some of the advertising/ marketing for this movie after I watched it. It is clearly advertised to be in the "torture-porn" market in the same vein as Saw or Hostel.
Amazing video:


Remove a girl's organ while she is naked and still breathing is not torture? and porn? In a way that girl is being raped, not sexually.


If anyone says that "that's because it's a torture-porn" I will yet again have to strongly disagree. There was only one scene that contained even the slightest bit of "torturepornish" attributes

...I'm starting to doubt if you actually read the original post. I clearly mentioned that scene here.
Amazing video:


Right, you mentioned that scene in particular.

If you like to watch torture/rape then buy some snuff movies...but please, try to get a shrink, or go a mental isntitution! Only a psycho can get a boner watching this kind of scenes.


Are you serious about this movie having no plot? It was spelled out so clearly that even my eight-year-old daughter understood it. You must have been paying too much attention to that stupid claymation video you linked to in your post while Turistas was on and missed the whole story.


You let your eight year old daughter watch that, stormshadow? ;)

Seriously though, to claim that 'nothing happened in this movie' is not just a little silly, it's down-right ignorant. As someone who calls themselves 'obsessedmovielover' I'd be very interested to know what kind of movies you watch.

The plot was fairly easy to figure out, but in case you didn't get it: dumb Americans, idiot Brits and multi-lingual Aussies go on holiday to Brazil, get trapped by nasty Brazilians who want to cut them up, and so have to escape before they die. Simple.

Now, go watch it again and tell me there is no plot.


Just kidding about the whole "daughter" thing, cooblimey. I actually don't have any kids; I just wanted to point out to the OP how obvious the plot was and how dense he was for the statement he made in his post.



Saying a movie has a poorly structured plot is not the same thing as saying nothing happens, and you seem to be equating one with the other. Yes this movie is a bunch of dialogue, horror and chase scenes strung together by a simple premise (aka poorly plotted) but obviously many things happen.

You make yourself sound brain dead by saying "Nothing Happens." Something happens in every movie. Nothing happens would mean you watched a blacked out screen for 2 hours.

My Horror-centric IMDb Lists


I enjoyed this movie.
The best part is when he's taking out all her organs and putting them in a cooler while she's awake.

Most recent first view:
The Color Purple - 8.5/10


Best part? Oh god O_o
