Did he sleep?

They show in the movie that he never slept at night and subtituted it with studying for the exam. On other nights, he was struggling with homelessness.

When he describes his work day and how he finished everything ahead of time, I find it hard to grasp that a man can function in this superior way with no sleep.


He grew restless and lost his mind. He pissed off his wife and not to mention his loss of property.
Geez! He even spent a night at a public restroom.

Bulls make money, Bears make money, Pigs? They get slaughtered!


they showed him dozed off with his son in his arms a few times, but 'good sleep,' not much, no

add that to not drinking during the day (so as not to waste time in the bathroom), and I thought he'd pass out from dehydration when he arrived (late) at the office of the guy who was going to the football game (from all the running and sweating he did to get there)


I'm sure he slept. Doesn't make for a very interesting movie to show a guy sleeping. Maybe not as much and not as well as would be ideal, but I'm sure he did.


My church has helped homeless people and you will be amazed at the power of the human mind. I've heard some amazing stories. But most of them are similar. Cat naps is what keeps these people going. They doze on and off at night because they must protect their property and child/children. Cat naps during the day help too. One man I know who works construction said he can fall asleep with in seconds during break and after 10 minutes he feels refreshed to keep going.

I don't see how they do it but I believe we were made to survive the life we are given and people who are homeless are often very strong. You have to be. I use to judge them so harshly then I met them. They are way stronger than I am.
