MovieChat Forums > Life of Pi (2012) Discussion > Another Ang Lee Masterpiece

Another Ang Lee Masterpiece

This guy can *beep* direct. Look at his body of work with his three biggest masterpieces being Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon,Hulk,Brokeback Mountain,and Life Of Pi. Ang Lee is unquestionably one of the defining filmmakers of this generation and he makes films that are not only good, but powerful and stay in the memory long after the films end. Seeing this film in theaters was a visual delight and the story had me engaged. If there was ever an Oscar nomination for Best Animals in a film, the tiger in this film would get it. Overall an emotional yet well acted, directed, and written epic about survival and one's faith.

You guys should see the marathon I did with this film, The Grey, Cast Away, and 127 Hours titled When Survival Becomes A Journey. You can check it out on my blog.
