24: The Game trailer

For those of you who have been looking for the trailer, you can find a streaming version at http://www.happypuppy.com/games.php?action=playmovie&gameid=1713&movurl=aHR0cDovLzY1LjU2LjEuMjE0LzI0X3RyYWlsZXIubW92 - and you don't need usernames or passwords to access this puppy!

One thing I read that I thought was strange, but equally satisfying, was the fact that the game is being released in the UK - BEFORE being released in the US!! Sorry to all you guys over the other side of the pond, but i'm sure many British "24" fans will be happy with that. I know I am! It looks pretty hot too!


WOW! Britons rule! its not very often we get something first even if its a British film/game!

Nobility is not a birthright, it is defined by one's actions



This is speculation on my part, but I don't think it would be unfair to predict a release date somewhere around the same time as the release of season 4 on DVD (that is, mid to late August). Again, that's speculation.


Thats only because of the company. Its established Europe



That's sweet! The US always seems to get stuff before we do in the UK. It should make for a pleasant change.




Hey I can wait that long for US! Man that game is going to rock! One problem, though.. I hope it doesn't have anything to do with any of the seasons because i havent had much time to rent them, but it is one of my favorite shows so it will probally become my favoriite game!


How good is this, how it explains everytihg in between, kinda like the Matrix Games did. I like it when they do things like this to fill in the blanks.


It'll be a little bit of both much like Alias the Game was.
And games being released in Europe isn't rare they usually
do that to test out the market there before it gets released


Same here....I LOVE the show and I watched season 4 religiously, but I still need to watch most of season 1 and all of 2 and 3, so 11-14 is a great date for it to come out (closer to Christmas would be nice though cuz then I wouldn't have to buy it! LOL!)


wow, awesome, i hope it also has some nice stealth moves like SCCT. i wished it'd come out on PC as well though, i'm much more used to using the keyboard and mouse for controlling as opposed to a gamepad. anyways, i've also seen/heard rumors about a 24: The Movie. it's of course in its early stages of production so there's no promise for it to go through, and it may take as long as 2 years before we see it hit the silver screen.

some basic/trivial info on the movie would be the fact that it of course doesnt always keep the real-time as it does in the tv show. but at a certain point it will come down to real-time. i've always wondered when they would make a movie out of it, and if the producers of the show are able to pull off a good game (since the trailer claimed they worked closely to the sony company), then i'm sure they can pull off a good movie as well.


Sucks big time, that this is only coming out on Playstation!


Buy a Playstation.


I'll be buying a ps2 just for this game! can't wait it looks awesome!
