The zzzap vault

buy full episodes of zzzap for £1.00

Keshi Heads!


he did this before and when nobody bought anythin he got in a huff and took down everythin he had on youtube.


that when it was a sketch for 50p or something

if it didn't involve card details over the internet might be ever so slightly intrested

Keshi Heads!




I never bought anything off him, I offered to do a trade but he sent me the episode using some confusing file sharing thing which you have to download. I asked him to send it a bit more easily and he never replied.

He emailed me the other day asking for more home made zzzap! comics, The nerve!

Keshi Heads!



He's just trying to make profit on what other people have, the majority of the videos he has are not even his!

And yes I agree, he needs to learn some Html or get a decent site created in Frontpage or Dreamweaver.


Making profit on the work of Neil Buchanan, Tim Edmunds and The Media Merchants is an awful thing to do anyway. Proves he's not a zzzap fan, A real zzzap fan would let people enjoy the media merchants work for free!.

The website won't last long anyway, Either HIT entertainment will shut it down or he'll realise no ones buying anything.

I still can't believe he's charging £2.50 for 2 zzzap sketches you can get on the official VHS releases. which most zzzap fans have got!

Keshi Heads!


Surely he's infringing copyright by selling them to make profit?


What he is doing is Illegal!

Keshi Heads!






Such a shame. I was chomping at the bit for a chance to throw my pennies at an anonymous Internet beaver for the contents of some moth-eaten Betamax.

I could make it mildly more sarcastic, but it would be a struggle.


I'm glad it's shut down, He charged ridculous prices for episodes of zzzap which had bits missing and intteruptions and no one should be making money out of Neil Buchanans and Tim edmunds and the Media Merchants excellent work.

Keshi Heads!

