I have seen Meet the Barkers several times because we are all fans of MTV. I am trying to like it so that i have something other than work to focus on for an hour a day or something... but its horrible. why would anyone want to see this. the woman is a total hottie if you just look at her in a picture, but she looks and acts like a trailer raised porn star. Shes definitely in this relationship (as her past) for the gold.... if you know what i mean!
and she is so full of herself, shes actually not even pretty when you look closely! she has fake teeth, fake body!
the husband is just disgusting to even look at with his endless tattoos and piercings, hes just GROSS! The kids are the only normal thing and then they have to make a mohawk out of the kid which makes him totally gross! The little girl is sweet looking but they ignore her, even though their publicist has told them to pay extra attention to her because they got bad reviews last season on how they 'ignored' her.
i almost just upchucked my dinner when they were kissing and laying in bed. gross couple of the world. Where is the Newlyweds with the Simpsons... they are GOOD REALITY. this is GROSS REALITY!
I have no idea why i have so much ickiness for this couple... could it be that they are gross and i dont want them setting the 'image' for us hollywood musicians/entertainers? possibly!!!



I respect your opinion but you need to get your facts straight. Shanna already had money before she met Travis, she got a lot from her ex-fiance Oscar de la Hoya and she is also an actress. The show also can not have Atiana on that much because of her father's wishes, so they arent ignoring her. Its just a tv show, we really do not know how their family life is unless we were them. I am tired though so I think Im done, just try to do some research before you rant and rave like this, good night.


i disagree i LOVE this show...i think there being real....unlike stupid crap like laguna beach.....i loved that show too...but at least travis and shannon are being real....and i love travis and his mohawk...and landon's mohawk...and i know many more people agree.......




i dont want them setting the 'image' for us hollywood musicians/entertainers? possibly!!! >>>>

Um you mean youre a waitress wanna be failed actress or dancer or singer who is hating on two happy people.

FYI Shanna hasnt had any work done on her body yet and youre narrow minded to hate Travis for his tats and piercings.

Go find a real job where you can develop some genuine self worth and not waste time being ticked off at people who are enjoying their silly little lives.


Right on! For real though. I think the show is great! I was just saying the other day that I love to watch the show because they (travis and shanna) are as real at they come. They have money, but dont act like they are rich. Shanna doesnt always wear makeup and dress up just to be in the house being a mom, which most "rich" women would do. Travis is showing his "normal" side, yes I said normal. He has individuality which goes a long way as you can already tell, he is in a successful band, is a great dad and damnit he is a sensitive man!...wow he has a great attitude...all this with the piercings and tattoos. I think that this show will go a long way because of how real it is even though it is a reality show.



Gold digger? Do you realize she had money before him?


I definitely agree with you on everything, except for the hottie woman part. I thought she looked like 10 miles of bad road, like damaged goods. Just as long as Travis is making good money and have overnight success and fame, Shanna knows she'll have the spotlight for doing nothing but being Travis's wife/girlfriend/hooker whatever. Nobody knows nor really cares about this "model/actress" for years after Pacific Blue and some Playboy mug shots, until Travis came along, fame, fortune and all. If Travis was still picking up trash in Laguna beach for minimum wage, Shanna wouldn't give him the time of day.
As for the golddigger part, if the man brings home the cash (lots of it), she'll keep him from straying from their relationship by getting pregnant out-of-wedlock and taking his money for child support, IF he is gutsy enough to leave her for someone new. Like Steve Martin in Bringing Down The House would say, "Say goodbye to half of your things." The reality show is indeed disgusting. No wonder not many people are watching this disaster.

Chinese, Japanese, Dirty Knees, Look At These! (_Y_)= The Devil's Rejects


hey wickedgirl76, lighten up! Its just a silly entertaining reality show. You don't know these people or their family life, stop acting like you do. And I know alot of people who enjoy and watch this show, if you hate it so why come to the message board? Maybe you and the 1st poster are the same person since you are the only who agreed with her.


It's called Free Will; Like Freedom Of Speech. It's not only asskissers who come in here and fawn all over their precious idols day in and day out. Shanna doesn't wear too much make up the same way Ted Kennedy doesn't indulge too much Chivas Regals.

Chinese, Japanese, Dirty Knees, Look At These! (_Y_)= The Devil's Rejects


I have to say I absolutely love how happy they are & agree with most of what you say...but i am still confused...I guess I never saw Pacific Blue was Shanna an actress?
What exactly is she trying to write or act in with that group on the show?


I don't agree with you at all. I absolutely LOVE this show. Shanna and Travis really do love each other. Both children are hardly shown on the show because they don't want to exploit their children. Just because Travis has tattoos and piercings it doesn't mean that he is a terrible person. In fact he is extremely romantic and a great father, not only is he a family man but he is also a business man. As for Shanna she is 100% natural, she hardly ever wears makeup and she still looks beautiful. There are other shows that are far worse, if you don't like it then don't watch it. Simple as that.


I couldn't agree more.

"Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are."-Kurt Cobain
I my bffs



Why do people even expect Shanna to look like a barbie doll 24/7? She is a beutiful person, she just chooses to be more natural and relaxed sometimes. And when she does put on makeup or get dressed up, she is gorgeous. Obviously she is a beautiful person inside and out or she wouldn't have won Miss USA.
Get with it people.


Ok, this is what I think, not that anyone cares but I'll still share..Travis and Shanna seem to have the real thing going on. Just because Travis is rich and she doesn't seem to have money (according to a few people), it doesn't make her a gold digger. I LOVE the fact that during most of the show, she's walking around like a "real" mom, you know, sweats, t-shirt, no make up, pulled back hair, I just love that!! They also seem to be real good parents, but I have to admit that they do seem to ignore Atianna a little. And its not cause they hardly show her but because I have noticed that when she is on the show, they don't really interact with her even when she's talking to them. Now I know that a lot of editing goes on, but, like I said in the beginning, its what I think.


Yep. That is some undeniable proof that she's pretty on the inside. Nothing says "great personality" like a beauty pagent tiara. Nothing.
