
I'm not sure the worse of the two:
1) That the people who made this movie are trolling every message board they can to build the hype up or
2) That they've tried to get it's rating up on IMDB to 9.9 so people will think it's great, despite the fact that obviously no-one's seen it yet.


Thank GOD I'm not the only one complaining here!!! Hello Risen people, that's 3 people stating that there is trolling and shilling! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!


I've seen blatant shilling by ZN members on, and, also at,, and There were more, but threads got deleted when it escalated into flamewar. I'm sure one could find more if they cared to google RISEN. They also like to boohoo about how they are being attacked, but I've seen a thread specifically where two members of a certain forum were outright attacked by known ZN members, and were called dirty names and cursed out just because they mistook the movie as plagarizing Brian Keene's book, The Rising. These same members keep bringing up on other forums how they apologised for it, and tried to make amends, but their behaviour was so disgusting and rude, it's unforgivable! ESPECIALLY the comment made by SHREK, err, I mean, LIVING DEAD GIRL that the very beautiful, and very nice ZOMBIE DIVA from several different forums was a *beep*


I'm overwhelmed by the fact that they still haven't removed the Steve Buscemi credit, nor has anyone commented on the number of 10's this abomination has been voted, despite the fact it's unreleased....

Now let's think real hard: Why would anyone outside of the Risen cast and crew benefit from boosting it's rating up to 9.9 on IMDB? They wouldn't. There's your answer fishbulb. RISEN-NATION is made up of dirty shilling trolls, as was proven when deadwalk2nite was outed and fled in terror into the arms of his mother....



LOL, As I have stated many times before, I have nothing to do with risen.




You want to know what's REALLY lame? When cinnamon girl tries to legitimize her post count by appointing herself ATZ's welcome wagon! She has sat in the newbie threads, and made sure she said hello to everyone there, like she's somebody important! LDG, do you really think we're not onto you? Zombie-Nation Trash! Stay out of our forum!



I love that David Talbot/Grimsaado has yet to realize the pure amount of shilling that LDG/Cinnamongirl has done. The complete refusal to believe that all this, including the Buscemi credit, could have come from their camp is hilarious when you look at what she's been up to...


I'm from ATZ, won't use my real name, but let's suffice it to say that not all of the mods agree about whether or not there is shilling going on. They have tried to stay neutral so that no trouble follows over there. I personally, do not like the trailer, and I don't like the people who represent it. I have looked into the posts at the other forums, and have seen the truth. No matter how innocent Risen people have tried to play themselves off, it's obvious that some have been up to no good. On that basis alone, I will not see the movie. Irregardless of what I consider to be an embarassingly cheap and obviously not very well made movie, I would have given it a chance had it not been for the falsely posted comments made by Risen people. Especially the attempt at upping the user rating for this movie when it is not even out!


Thank god some people actually notice that.

I found out about this movie because I typed "zombie" into keywords, and took a look at the highest rated films. I thought "Holy crap, this Risen movie has a 9.9!!!! For IMDB that's damn good!!" Then I saw the trailer, the Buscemi credit and the endless shilling, followed by the damage control.....

Ouch. I can't wait for this movie to come out, only so I can see it and post an HONEST rating...


Damage control?
..please, no one has done anything wrong concerning the promotion of this movie. If you made a movie you would talk about it and try to get people to see it. Its incredibly obvious the person who submitted Buscemis name to the IMDB is the same and only person that continually brings it up and complains about it.


Really? See all those deleted post? They were from deadwalk2nite, who decided he'd make several posts saying how amazing Risen looks. He then went on to say he had no relation to the cast or crew, until he was caught and deleted all his posts.

And explain away the fact that a week ago the movie's IMDB rating was 9.9. No really, explain it, I'd love to hear the damage control attempt on that one. Was it aliens? My mistake yes, it was probably aliens, in a neverending conspiracy to ruin the good reputation of Risen adn Zombie-Nation...


If you would not let yourself watch a film because of something goofy like a person from the cast/crew/whatever passing themselves off as a fan to promote it, then you will run the risk of missing what may be a very good zombie film. That seems narrow minded. And everyone knows there is another person passing themselves off as random fans but to insult the film at various places.


Oh c'mon, we all know this thing stink, the trailer is pretty good evidence of that...

1) The various cheesy moments, ie the hand popping out of the ground, the "monster hands", and most of all, that shot where the sheriff opens the door and points his gun, in the best piece of overacting I've seen in a while...
2) If a regular city suddenly became host to a zombie infestation, you would assume people of every race, creed and color would make up the army of undead. Not in Risen! In Risen, an army of white undead nerds and geeks have set out to take revenge on the living! Scaaaaaary, everyone hide your cheetos and 20 sided dice...
3) No dialogue. I'm sure this will be fixed in a future update of the trailer, so the real question is will it help my opinion, or accidentally show the quality of acting? I don't care how many zombies a movie has, if the acting is on par with a porn movie, either I'm shutting it off or rubbing one out, and from what I've seen of the lead actress in Risen, it will be the former over the latter...


Bberella, I'll be sure to send you 2 autographed copies for Christmas.



Send me one too, I can't wait to post a review...And at least then I wouldn't be paying to see it...


Okay I would like to start over on myself:

1. I've always wanted to be an actor and/or director and I heard that they were making the movie in Waco and I live near Waco. So I decided to join because I wanted to know what it was like being on a movie set and how they made movies and everything and I thought it was really interesting.

2. Looking at my IMDB username, I really love zombies and zombie movies. That's why I look at a lot of zombie movies on IMDB because I am interested in all those kinds of movies. That is why I am posting here on Risen because I am interested in it and I would like to see other people's opinions about it, though some of those opinions are a little harsh.

3. I talked to the writer of Risen and talking to him encouraged me to start writing some of my own zombie scripts. I found it a lot of fun experiencing writing scripts and getting feedback.

And yes I deleted all of my posts because some people kept on posting up what I have been saying about the movie on other topics to use for their "Oh this movie is going to suck" posts. I mean it just gets a little annoying after a while, that's all.

I hope you all understand what I am trying to say, but if you don't, that's okay. I just wanted you all to know why I was posting up on here.

I want to die in my sleep like my grandfather,
Not screaming like his passengers.


Deadwalk2nite, you're alright in my book. Anyone can see that you are into zombies, and I believe you when you say you'd like to get into the genre, and either become a scriptwriter/film maker or actor. That's cool. The only problem I've had with anyone, has been the stupid posts way back from the beginning, when people here were pretending to be random fans and hyping up the picture. I think if anyone goes back and thinks about it, all of this back and forth between everyone is because Risen/zombie nation people started getting carried away with the promotion of this movie. The main point being the shilling on every forum, the upping the votes here on Imdb to make it appear to others that Risen is an excellent movie, despite the fact that they were posting votes even before the movie is even out. (Or even completed and edited.), and then finally the flaming as a result of people posting negative opinions of the movie. Maybe they did it because they were just goofing around, and that we are taking it far too seriously. If that's the case, then that only serves to strengthen our arguement that it was one of your own who posted the Buscemi credit. Think about it, someone posted it as a goof, just to see how long it would take before someone else mentioned it. Always a possibility. But when combined with all the other things that Risen people have done, I mean to the extent that they have gone, it still looks highly probable that it is more likely that the Buscemi credit was put there by a Risen person just to hype up the credibility of the movie.


Quick explaination of some of the stuff. A lot of people were involved in this movie. All told we had a crew of around 50. There were tons of extras involved (I've got 2,500 signed photography releases from extras). A lot of these people are excited to see the finished movie.

Voting up the stars on the movie. I didn't ask for this although this phenomenon isn't unique to Risen. Most movies on IMDB end up with a star rating before they've even been shot (as soon as they're listed) because of the "fan" effect. IE, you hear they're remaking movie X and you're peeved they're doing a remake so you go rate it zero stars. Point is, people, positivly or negatively, are prejudging this thing.

This movie has yet to recieve a totally negative comment (based on trailer) from anyone with a decent posting history. There have been partial negatives (IE, I don't like X but Y looked cool). The only people that have been starting these flame threads are folks with no real post history leading me to believe that we're just talking about one person.

In regard to real vs. fake zombie fans, the vast majority of the people involved in this movie are hard core zombie fans pre-dating the movie.

Defending a few folks real quick:
* ScottandKelly lives in england. He didn't fly here for the shooting of the movie. Feel free to verify the fact he lives in england via looking at his post history. As such, he is indeed someone interested in seeing the movie as opposed to someone invloved with it.
* Deadwalk2nite. He's written 2 zombie scripts and he came out a couple of days as an extra which I appreciate. You don't write scripts to a zombie movie unless your a real fan.
* Living Dead Girl. She has zombie tattoos. I've seen them. She can recite the dialog from any zombie movie line for line. Trust me she's a fan. I don't think she's tried to be deceptive about who she is or her involvement in the film on any of these boards.
* Burtaxeman. Prior to Risen, he used to write a column for He's a fan, trust me. In his much criticized self shilling imdb post, he even signs his real name, "Dave Winfrey is the best art director ever etc etc, Signed Dave Winfrey" It's satire.



Hello everybody. First things first, I'm not here to flame. I didn't even know what the term "flame" meant until I started checking this boards, which is sad on my part, I know.

I'd just like to clear the tarnish from my name if I can. My name is Jeremy Milks, I've always posted under this name on Zombie Nation, and frankly, I don't post anywhere else (not counting IMDb). I did say some stuff to bbarella awhile back that was rather harsh, but that's only because I took offense to something they had said, plus, I felt obligated to defend Risen (I was a grip). I'm sorry for those comments, everyone has their own opinions, I'm not gonna try to change their mind.

Now that I've wasted some space, I'll let you all be.

Please see the film before you judge it though. Even if you don't like the people involved, you can still like their work (IE - I dislike Tom Cruise but I like a lot of his films, or, I hate Michael Jackson, but I still dig some of his songs).

Jeremy Milks

See you in the credits.


Jeremy, as far as I know, nobody holds any ill will against you. You've been very cool, even in your so called "harsh" posts. The problem is the others say they will do whatever it is to call a treuce, and then they post lies about the pms on ZN and make stupid remarks. That's the whole reason they have been singled out. They try so hard to act cool, and they just dig a hole deeper. LDG went back and insisted it was mainly about her jealousy of Diva, but that wasn't even true. It was what she posted about Diva back in april, and that was only one small aspect. Then Joe Barbarisi goes and posts zombiedivaskank, and that wasn't even called for. It was comments like that, that started all this. LDG encouraged further flaming, not attempted to help bring it down. Jeremy Milks, you are a good person, and have lots of respect here and on the other boards. Don't worry about your image.


Man, when I decided to research Risen, I had no idea what I was getting into. All I know is that it has zombies, which is good enough for me. I'll give it a fair chance if it ever comes out. That doesnt mean I will like it if it sucks though.

To all the people that made this film I would say don't worry about the person pretending to be other people and bashing it. Your film will speak for itself when it is released (when will that be again?). If any of what he said is true like pretending to be other people (which he is what he is doing) to promote your film then good job! Even I know that you have to promote your movie. I tried to be objective and see both sides but after all the childish insults to LDG for whatever reason, I see you have a internet loser on your hands. He will get electrocuted, run over by a bus or his mom will take away his internet soon enough.

