MovieChat Forums > Johnny Test (2005) Discussion > What does CN see in this?

What does CN see in this?

Its been running for eight years now, a new season upcoming and it's been replacing much more popular blocks! HUGE amount of people hate it, its ratings are crap, and people are begging for its cancellation. So why does this sh*t get so much focus?


because there a lot of young kids that do watch it. They have terrible taste but are too young to actively defend this garbage.

So since they watch it but their voice isnt heard, it looks like this show has no support, but it does. A lot of kids like this, its sooo bad...


Wrong. This show's ratings are worse than the LIVE ACTION shows on CN. The only reason it's still running is because no matter how low the ratings are, the producers will ALWAYS make money off it. There are many people begging CN to cancell it, and that turned up to a new level when it replaced DC nation.

