MovieChat Forums > Johnny Test (2005) Discussion > Gil likes Johnny far more than his Siste...

Gil likes Johnny far more than his Sisters?

yeah, i am looking too much into things
but i just find it funny.

-Gil remembers Johnny's name
-He always compliments Johnny, even on minor things
-He is very friendly to him
-Never seems to be annoyed by Johnny's presents compared to the Twins

Either its a Big Brother complex or he really likes Johnny as his friend.

when this show was on WB, i wasnt every interested in it
now that is rerunning on CN, hmm wish i would have watched it more in its first airing
its pretty cute.

the Cons - its a little stiff, and too quick in pacing
but i am growing to like it

This is A Sig
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Watching some reruns, Gil seems either really dumb or...let me put it like this: Susan and Mary can come up with all of these incredible inventions and devices, yet their natural gaydar seems to be busted.

------Jesus loves you, but only as a friend.------


pfft lolers

"he's just not that into you"
would apply to the situation

This is A Sig
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Before you write it off as a coincidence, consider this- the show is progressive enough to have a working mom and a house husband and does not try to explain it. The two sisters are pretty AND smart and still act like teenagers.

It would not be a stretch to have a guy next door who for some reason likes Jonny better than his sisters for more reasons than one.


lol nicely pointed out.

i never thought of a husband staying at home and cleaning, because in todays society. thats what husbands do.

i'm glad the Twins are not "smart all the time" that would make them nearly unlikeable, the fact that they have flaws and act like girls is what makes them so cute and interesting.

i will totally support any Gil x Johnny slash fiction

This is A Sig
IMDB...its not fanboard


its just funny to see Gil brighten up when he sees Johnny

This is A Sig
IMDB...its not fanboard


And as Gil walked by the house, the Twins said "Hi Gil", Gil continues to walk by, only to pop up in the window and say "Hi Johnny!!"

This is A Sig
IMDB...its not fanboard


i know this is obviouse, but the writers only have him do that to point out that gils just not interested in the twins. maybe because hes just not old enough to "feel" like that. when i was young i considered my male friends much more interesting and relatable then the girls who had crushes on me. though that really changed when i got to middle school. finally, i would have nothing against a gay character in a childrens cartoon, we cant hide them from kids forever.this show is deffinently more intelligent then it puts out to be.


lol just marking the points of Gil and Johnny meetings.

Johnny is trying to sell cookies to buy a bike, only thing is he joins a Girl Scout troop (Ladybird Scouts) in order to do it.

Anyway, Gil is training with BB, and they run up to Johnny. Gil says he likes Johnny's look even though he doesn't know why he is dressed like a girl. Gil buys cookies because he says he loves them and Johnny *rolls on the floor laughing*

That is so cute.

This is A Sig
IMDB...its not fanboard


I thought he was just an idiot don't really get what the girls see in him, sides his looks, he's a nice guy though and it is funny how he pays more attention to Johnny than the girls.


Gil isn't a character, he's a plot device. Also he just can't seem to catch a break.


I think gil is just friends with johnny or atleast i hope both skateboard both always are lab rats both pretty stupid plus johnny already as two love interests also gil has noticed the twins before and is into girls if u watch the ep where they go to the beach

-is currently Marathoning it-


That's pretty much exactly the point. It's really really terrible for plot progression or entertaining dialogue, and it's cliche as hell.

You are now breathing manually.



Gil isn't gay. He's just the typical middle school student before "dating".

He's hot, girls like him... and he doesn't know about it yet.

Johnny is a cool little dude that reminds him of himself so he likes him... period.


At least one episode confirms that Gil is not very bright (I don't remember the title) Dark Vegan asks for Johnny's help we learn he is can control people but it only works on stupid people or something like that, in the next scene we see Gil completely under his control.


maybe it's just a run-on gag?
