The face of the killer

To be honest, half of me just thinks they never should have revealed the face of the "hitchhiker." Plus, I agree with everybody that it was a potential "High Tension" ending. When they revealed the killer as some rabid, JRARRAGghghHHH, maniac, it just got zany. I thought the subtle faceless killer was much more mysterious and creepy.

But hey, that's just me.


Yeah, maybe they should only have showed the eyes.


IMO we should not have seen the face, or it should have been penny's face? That would be wacky.


PLEASE oh please answer this one qyuestion for me... the killer... to me. Looked like a guy with long hair BUT olooked like a woman also... THAN you have that voice... "Don't forget your breathing excercises Penny!!!!" that part freaked me the hell out after watching it ONCe and mind you I AM A HORROR FAN of horror movies I CANNOT WATCH this movie again. It gives me the chills...

So my question is it a guy or women? The actor who plays the psycho in the film is a woman by the way. I'm just curious was she playing a man in it lol


That face grossed me out! It was creepy in the backseat tho
