
This movie was so moving and sad, it is still heavily with me three days after watching it. I just can't get it out of my head - especially Sam Rockwell's character. To me, his was the most sympathetic, the most tragic, the best acted and...I just felt so deeply for Glen! I wanted to cry at the end, more for Glen than anything. I keep picturing the photos he had taken of himself and Tara. So real and sad! I loved this movie for how realistic it was, and how sad. I've read some threads here; analyzing the parallels of the relationships and how they represent the stages in life of a couple, and analyzing the use of the color red. There is so much to this movie! Sam Rockwell is always, always, fantastic. I was totally skeptical going into this movie - I was afraid it would be another "quirky" movie or a run-of-the-mill coming of age thing with some awkward masturbation scene or some cheesy "this is what life's all about" endings. Totally blew me away, it was none of that. It was beautiful.


"I was totally skeptical going into this movie - I was afraid it would be another "quirky" movie or a run-of-the-mill coming of age thing with some awkward masturbation scene or some cheesy "this is what life's all about" endings."

ha. Sounds like the description of every Sundance "fan" favorite.
