A take on the ending

Lots of people have been posting questions about why Annie had to die, what it meant etc.

You need to strip away all the modern readings of this story and understand it is immersed in the method of great Greek Tragedy. Quite simply, Annie HAD to die because she turned her back (figuratively) on her child. There is no doubt she deeply loved Tara but she strived for something more which led to her betrayal of her good friend (Amy Sedaris) by cheating with her husband. Near the end, by tossing away the photos of her husband and child (in photos that were taken together), she set herself up to the gods for sacrifice. When she falls asleep, she does so not just because she is tired but because she is finally TOO tired to care for the child and, metaphorically, be the mother to everyone in her life. Like Medea in Greek literature, she destroys the thing which came from her and in doing so, destroys too much of herself to survive. When her husband washes her feet (both literally and biblically), she finally realizes that her only salvation lies in her own crucifixion.


Great post. Movie still fails for me though, for reasons I've mentioned in other posts.
But it's no "Antigone." It doesn't help the person designated to fufill the tragedy is a lunatic.
And we're not living 2,500 years ago. To set up Annie by killing her kid may work as a tragic device but it just looks arbitrarily nasty today.


I highly disagree with this old theory. I doubt the originator will read this--but still. The logic used by the OP is the same that Glenn used to murder his ex-wife. The movie is impartial on religion and to say she deserved it, basically would be a cop out upon the same rationalizations as the crazie who killed her. Sad. really.


disagree. why not just take the movie for what it was. she didn't "have" to die, that's what happened because it was written that way. her ex-husband was obviously a man that was mentally ill. she didn't bring it on herself and it's pretty disturbing that you'd imply so - regardless of whatever tragedy says what.


Kate had to die because she caused the death of her child.
