MovieChat Forums > Hoot (2006) Discussion > screw the effing owls

screw the effing owls

If I were those kids I would have just let them kill the stupid owls. Then I could go and have pancakes everyday. Yay!


have u ever heard of "HOME GRIDLES"
Jonas Brothers 4EVER



But killing me wouldn't get you any pancakes. I don't live where anyone wants to put a pancake restaurant. No one would even try doing that because it would violate zoning laws. You're going to have to kill the owls if you want to eat pancakes everyday.



I changed my name because I realized I couldn't effectively neutralize the owls unless I was an elite Israeli commando. I remain firm on my desire for pancakes. Waffles are no substitute for pancakes.


Okay if i were those kids i would have done the same thing. I you want pancakes everyday theres this place called Ihop that serves them or make or own. Also there is like a 10,000 dollar fine because those owls are an endangered species. If you pancakes go buy Bisquick and make your own. Owls have the right to be on this land because 1. they were here before humans and 2. God put them on this land


God also made pancakes... Yum...

Last Movie Seen: The Ruins
Last DVD Bought: Random DVD Sales


How do you know there's an IHOP in their community? If not then the owls have to go. The government should forget about fines in this instance because getting pancakes is that damn important.

Animals don't have any rights. As to your first point, guess what? Animals lived EVERYWHERE that humans now live. Living there longer than us doesn't give them any right to keep us out. The fact that God put them there doesn't give them the right to keep us out either. God told us to use animals for our own needs and our own needs in this instance are to get rid of the owls so we can get a pancake restaurant.


Let me get this straight: You would rather let them kill off animals that are endangered (that is to say, they are in danger of extinction) just to get some pancakes (which you could get in easily two dozen other places, including making your own)?

Man, you need help.


I was being sarcastic... While I agree that the animals should be saved, more importantly if they are endangered... Yet I do not agree that a crap movie should be made about it.

Last Movie Seen: Prom Night
Last DVD Bought: Random DVD Sales


i think that it was great that they made a movie about it. more people need to know that things like this has been happining all over the world. well mabe not like this, but animals being killed for buisnesses to make more money. more animals die each year because of human greed of money and it needs to be stopped. mabe some people didnt like the movie but it at least opened some peoples eyes.


You're the only one that needs to have your eyes opened. Animals have always been killed for business to make more money. Haven't you ever eaten chicken before?


What's the worst that can happen if an endangered species goes extinct? The world would not stop revolving and life would go on anyway. I mean, the dinosaurs were once endangered and finally went extinct and nobody goes around crying that they died out, or wishes they could be brought back. They were here for a time, and now they are gone. Everybody takes a turn. What's wrong with that? If there were still a few dinosaurs around, would people try to save them from extinction? How do we know that extinction may not be mother nature's way of making room for others that need to come along? (i.e., US?)


Yes, I would rather kill off some endangered animals to get some pancakes there instead of getting some pancakes somewhere else. You're the one that needs help. Nothing would help you more than to eat some pancakes at a place where owls used to live.



No, owls won't go extinct if we kill all those owls there by where I want a pancake restaurant. Only that one particular kind of owl. We already have plenty of different kinds of owls. Getting rid of one won't hurt anything.

I could easily make my own pancakes but getting them from a restaurant is even easier. Plus, restaurant pancakes taste better. Sure, there's two dozen other pancake restaurants but that owl habitat is the most convenient place for me. It would be totally worth it to kill all those owls in order to eat pancakes at that particular spot.

I'm not the one that needs help. You're the one that needs help, in the form of pancakes.


That's your opinion and you're perfectly entitled to it, but let me just say I strongly disagree. Maybe those owls don't affect our lives immediately, but they're amazing animals and they don't deserve to be endangered. So, think before you speak, because you could be offending a lot of people. It's OK if you don't care about them, but there's no need to be so crude.




Owls may be amazing animals but pancakes are amazing food and they don't deserve to go uneaten at the expense of any kind of endangered animals. I don't care who I offend. The truth about the importance of pancakes must be gotten out.


haha, i know no matter what i say its going to be the same thing. you know my opinion and im not changing it, but touche'


Is it your opinion that it's wrong to kill chickens for profit so that people can eat them?


no, i dont think its wrong that we kill chickens and animals for food. what i think is wrong is the way they are treated



I'll bet if you tasted the pancakes then you would change your opinion. If your only problem is with the way animals are treated before they're killed then would you be okay if the pancake people treated the owls nicely before they killed all of them?


ummmm....not really. but they arnt killing them to eat them, are they? no, they are killing them to build yet another building.


You said your problem was with how animals are treated before they're killed. If the pancake people were nice to the owls before they killed them then why wouldn't you be okay with that?

They are in fact killing the owls to eat pancakes. Yes, they're killing the owls to construct a building but you got to have a building in order to have a pancake restaurant. After all, whoever heard of an outside pancake restaurant? Constructing a building for the pancake restaurant on the site where the owls live is absolutely necessary.

reply well im finding this completely pointless to argue....but enjoy the pancakes?



You sir, are an idiot...


Do not feed the ignorant , simple minded and immature trolls .


If you think that the lives of owls are more important than pancakes then YOU'RE the one who's ignorant, simple-minded and immature. You're just an anti-pancake troll.



Okay, so we're hunting and killing animals. So what? There's nothing wrong with that. Humans don't think that we rule the Earth. We DO rule the Earth. Take a look around. Notice that we've completely taken over. I would be proud to see an animal species go extinct if it meant having another pancake restaurant. Even Stewie Griffin agrees with me that the owls should be killed:


no sir, if you value the lives of owls more than pancakes then YOU'RE the idiot
