MovieChat Forums > Deja Vu (2006) Discussion > Whose Remains Were At The Gator Bayou Ca...

Whose Remains Were At The Gator Bayou Camp?

This same question is asked in the FAQ section for this movie though what
it says is that "it's not agent Larry Minuti." So then whose body was
being eaten by the gator at the bayou bait camp? The body was supposed-
ly dumped there by Carroll Oerstadt though it wasn't shown on camera.
This is another factor of Deja Vu which I found so confusing each time
I have watched this movie!

Lorenzo Sunny California

Call me a sailor or a swabby just don't call me a squid!


Wild theory: it was a "future Doug" who had travelled back in time to stop Carroll - and obviously failed.


I think it was a past version of the terrorist. The terrorist seems to know how things should happen, he even says to Doug "this isn't how it is supposed to happen" to Doug on the ferry.

You are entitled to my opinion, whether you want it or not!!


It was Manuti. You could see the hand. Then again, wasn't he burned up?

Im the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


FAQ says it wasn't Manuti. So it could've been Doug who died in the water (assuming the Doug who found the arm with the gators had not already gone back to save the ferry and the girl. It seemed like after he saw the arm he decided to go back. That's why I was surprised he didn't try to also save his partner. What cop doesn't save his partner?

"Cum Grano Salis"


if thats supposed to be Dougs Body in the gator pit.....why the hell is it a WHITE Hand.....i always took it for Minuti and i really dont care what the faq says since they aere unable to offer aproper explanation

Trolls dont have an opinion....just an urge to compensate their frustration about themselves!!!


that's racist


The DVD extras suggest (flat out say) that the body is the remains of Minuti.


I disagree with the FAQ, I think it is wrong and that it IS Minuti. I wrote this in another post: Though I have no real explanation for burning the body before feeding it to alligators, Oerstadt claims during the interrogation he couldn't shoot Kuchever because he needed her to look like just another victim, but he shoots Minuti. Therefore Minuti does NOT get dumped in the water to look like just another victim so it's highly likely he was thrown in the bit to get rid of the body.
