
I am a great fan of the animated series and I had high hopes for this movie. However, I have to say I was sorely disappointed. None of the characters in this movie resembled the original characters physically or characteristically. Many of the original characters were not featured and the storyline was absolute trash! The movie concentrated too much on the action and violence; something which was not typical of the cartoons. This had as much in common with the animated series as cujo has with scooby doo! If they didn`t want it to be anything like the original then why use the original title? Only thing I did like was the theme music at the end. It was a good remix of the original theme.


how did u like it as a movie, if u werent fan of the anime?


when did i say i wasn't a fan of the anime?! i am a fan of the anime series but i think the movie was nothing like the series.


i know that, but i meant if u would have never seen the anime, and this was just a movie from japan, would u have liked it then.

because sometimes i see movies of books and such that i read and i think by myself well they totally *beep* that up, but if i didnt love the books or anime so much then it would have been good, atleast thats what i think by myself.

so just forget the anime and treat it like a normal movie.
