Never coming out on DVD??

SO... in just a short while this movie will mark it's one year and no sign of it on dvd?? No movie ever takes this long to come out on DVD... whether it was really good or really lame.


It's because this movie is a Christmas movie that it's coming out on DVD November 20th. I'm getting pretty annoyed having to wait a year because I really loved this movie!! But, sadly, everyone's going to have to wait until for 2 months. D: Well, hopefully it will go by fast! :D

Did you just accuse me of being skillful and delicious?


It's actually pretty normal for Christmas-themed movies to come out a year after their release. If they are released in April or May, chances are no one will buy it because their not in the "Christmas state of mind". It's been true with every Christmas movie since videotapes were the norm.

It will really suck when Fred Claus will be released on video in 2008, because that will be over a year too. That movie should be really good!


I know like all year i was wondering if it had come out on DVD


yeah the only exception to this rule is Surviving Christmas with Ben Affleck that came out a couple of years. It was released in October and was terrible, so they managed to get it out on DVD that Christmas LOL


Santa Claus 3 The Escape Clause DVDRip XviD-MENTiON
As of yesterday this was available for download


I thought Surviving Christmas was out on DvD a week after it left theaters lol. Honestly this movie and the second one are no better than Surviving Christmas.


I thought Santa Clause 3 already came out for DVD like last year or the year before? Why is it being rereleased in stores and in video rental stores?




Do you mean the 13th? The 11th is a Sunday and DVD's are realeased on Tuesdays.



I don't think so. : \ It comes out on the 20th. I've checked on Wikipedia, Yahoo! Movies, etc.

I can't wait to get it!

Did you just accuse me of being skillful and delicious?



Its the 20th For North America



20th for usa, same day as hairspray comes out. and santa3 better be good, because i didnt get to see it in theatres so ive been waiting for a yea to just see this damn thing



about time this comes out!!


same here i thurght it would never come out


Well guys it is almost time now. It is coming out this Tuesday, and this is reason why to see a Christmas movie in the theatres and not wait to see it on video and dvd, because it will not be released on these formats until the following Christmas. That just seems to be the way with Christmas movies. In a year's time, you can forget a Christmas movie, and even forget what happens in it.


Out on DVD today, at long last!

Reviewed here...
