Too many almost nude scenes.

Either show it or don't show it. It is distracting when they got out of the way to cover up the naughty bits. It's like watching an episode of Benny Hill. If BM doesn't want to be nude, then revise the scenes or cast someone else.


I just watched this movie and don't know what you're talking about. Yes, there were a few scenes of her in her underwear, which are made valid since she thinks Paolo is gay. And there's the scene in the bath tub where she's shaving her legs, but there was no gratuitous nudity shots. The only real "nude" shot I saw was when Peter was in the shower and they showed him from above with a shot of his butt.


Don't forget the naked chef scene where Brittany is only wearing a book to cover herself.


In a romantic comedy there doesn't need to be blatant nudity. The suggestion of nudity is enough to get the joke across.


NAUGHTY bits??
What are you, 11?

...just sayin'...



@DIONHEATHER I think you need a lesson in humor and subtlety. It was done intentionally and as a humorous tease. Get a grip. This movie was not trying to be anything but a lighthearted rom-com to be watched on a rainy day with a nice glass of wine.
