Supposed to be campy

I'm not a fan of movies like this, but watched it because I went to high school with Bernadette Perez who plays the darker haired stripper. She was a few years older than me but was always sweet. She was really into plays and dramatic stuff. If she has to do camp like this to get a break, more power to her. That aside, I'm sure this movie was supposed to be over the top and campy. That's why they did the funky angles and poor shots. Actors can only do so much with a poor script and low budget. I didn't really like the movie, but I give credit to the people trying to make a living.


I agree with the 'trying to make a living' thing, but this movie was beyond bad.
It was like they didn't even want to TRY and make it good.


"Her name ain't Precious." ~ PAPER MOON


Yes, there's a difference between campy and just plain sh!tty. I'm watching this on Chiller right now, and it's honestly one of the worst movies that I have ever seen.


Clue is an excellent example of campy. This was just plain awful.


For an Asylum movie, it really wasn't that awful. You have not seen a bad movie until you've seen something by Ulli Lommel or other stuff put out by Asylum. Corny as all hell but it was never too boring at any one point. If you actually expected it to be SCARY or have outstanding special effects, acting, or even plot.. you're really barking up the wrong tree. It's simply made to be a campy, semi-funny movie, nothing more.
