2 out of 10

I Worship The Goddess Amber Tamblyn


i can't believe you would give it that good of a reveiw.

o out of ten


Wow, you are being way too generous.



Maybe if they were all shot at the end of the movie, I would give it that high of a score.



lol. I wish that guy robbing them would've shot them, I was actually excited when he got introduced...

I'd give it a 2 out of 10 because there was one line that I literally almost died laughing from.
It was something like, "remember those donkey *beep* cigarettes we sold that guy, well it turns out that they were really made from donkey *beep* and now we're *beep*
honestly WTF. Nobody could act and the girls were not that hot, and there wasn't any really revealing scenes either, utterly fails on every level.

But it was funny if you watch it with that in mind.
The emotionless retarded reading of that line will stick with me forever.
