Jealous of your tv

I'm kinda jealous of your tv shows over in the UK...over here in the US, shows like that would probably be banned on tv, or edited to death because of all the religious parents who want tv to be kid friendly.

I saw the first two episodes of this show on the internet, and I'm dying to see the rest...which is kinda odd cause I'm not a lesbian, not a girl, and i'm over 35...I just find it fascinating. Its not that hard to relate to having feelings you can't express and longing for someone you can't reveal it to.


Good TV doesn't require you be a certain anything. The show is great, the acting great and I think the feelings that Kim have are universal. As a fellow American, I'm glad you enjoyed this wonderful show and I hope you get to catch the rest of it. But, beware, there will be no season 3!!

"They shoot horses, don't they?"


Haha we do have good tv 8-) but you do have south of nowhere, it's what i would say is the american equivilent, although the plot is entirely different it just has the same theme of teenage lesbians lol. It does have some amazing sub-plots to it though so it isn't as focused on the relationship between its characters Ashley and Spencer as sugar rush is on Sugar and Kim. And while south doesn't have the same comedic moments as sugar rush it does have some very funny one-liners, and the cast is hotter lol there's something for everyone, gay/straight/male/female, so yeah you should check it out if you haven't already lol.



I'm 42 and in the States so don't feel bad.

You can get it (and download it from Veoh). Go to google, find Veoh, download the Veoh TV and you can download them as avis, then burn them on a DVD.
