Never coming back?

I forgot about this show until recently, is there going to be anymore series ever? It was sooo good


I read a just after series 2 ended that there is gonna be no more as they wanted the show to be left on a high. I think it was on the channel 4 website somewhere, I loved this show, *sniff* xx

Phoebe-Rose 15/4/2006
Harvey Jaden 27/10/2007


arghhhh that's so stupid! what's the point in making a show if they're only gonna do 2 series. It's like Skins, that's such a good show and now after only 2 series they're getting rid of all the cast and getting all new people! I just don't see the point.


I know its stupid...

I didnt know that about Skins, dont think i'll be watching it if thats what they're gonna do, I thought that was that and it was over...

I miss Sugar Rush though, I loved it! Thought it was so funny!


I agree, I wish channel 4 would put decent programmes on instead of crappy ones like big brother what an insult to ones intelligence!


Admittedly I like watching big brother haha but I agree, especially the way they have SOOOO much on big brother, like big brother's little brother, big brother's big mouth, big brother live, and now the radio show big ears! There's just no need for alllll those programs on it! Especially for how long it's been running as well, they can continue doing all the *beep* programs for that but they get rid of the amazing ones like Sugar Rush and Skins!


Skins is not amazing, it was at first now it's just repetitive.
