Anyone read the book?

It's good...not as good as the series though. And the ending sucks.

But the sequel, Sweet, is really good. It's from Sugar's point of view.

Anyone else read it?


*~Keeping it Vaguely Imaginary~*


i read the first one and was realy dissapointed but i'm going to read sweet anyway i like the idea of sugar as the narrater


i read the book, and honestly? compared to the series it's crap lol


i read the book when i was 14
i found it rubbish cause i got distracted from it too easily.
I'm going to try and read it now im almost 17 to see if it grips me more.
tbh i was probably too young to understand xD
all though i knew what lesbian etc was.

fans to nicole: can you say thats hot!!?
nicole: no, thats humiliating.


I've read the first one and I liked it a lot but I did get confused between the series and the book.

I hate when that happens.

I want to read Sweet but does anyone know if it comes in paperback?


I thought the book was downright awful. It was difficult to get into, badly written and the ending was pathetic.

I think the TV series really shows the book up for how crap it is. It's one of those rare adaptations that ends up being better than the book it's based on.

Degrassi Forum:


yes i read about 3/4 of it, but couldn't get into at all.
really badly written....
the series is SO much better


yes sweet is out on paperback, and its kinda straight lol the starts a bit misleading with dr fox, anyway its no better than sugar rush (the book) was


Have to confess that I disagree- I enjoyed the book mainly because I related to Kim's character. I know bits of it aren't the best written but it still shows how painful growing up can be- something few of us forget...


I read the book after watching the tv show.
i never really got in to the book all the way through i was waiting for it to get started, if you get what i mean. And it has the worst ending possible.

love the show
hat the book.


Just finished reading it and was expecting alot more...series was miles better than the book.


Yeah, I read the book too. After I've watched the series. Agreed.
It's crap compared to the series. :D

Oh please, oh please, Sugar Rush has got to continue it's wonders through season 3!!!


So whats the ending of the book then. I'm never gonna read it but I wanna know.


I'd give it 3 out of 5, it generally held my attention but there were points at which I was just thinking "get ON with it!". I really didn't like the ending, either. This is one of those rare occasions when a television adaptation happens to be better than the original story!

I started on 'Sweet' a couple of months ago, but it's in a pile somewhere in my room & I haven't had the motivation to retrieve it...
