Gibson's Eyes

I noticed at least a couple season's ago, Gibson always looked like he had bags under his eyes. Maybe he has an alcohol problem that even all the make-up couldn't cover up. That could be a reason for his mood swings. Not an excuse, just a possible reason.

"But you know what's an even more interesting question, what's the psychopath got in the bag Jason?"


I personally think that a full blown alcohol problem lasting for a few years now is a bit of a stretch, but I wouldn't be surprised if it came as a side effect of his divorce/mother being sick.


I discovered and crash-watched all the episodes maybe a year ago, so I'm not familiar with all these actors. For example, I didn't know about Gibson's divorce or mother being sick.

"But you know what's an even more interesting question, what's the psychopath got in the bag Jason?"


It's been well publicized that he has had issues with alcohol.


I just scanned a link to an article posted here about him and it did mention his alcohol problem from a few years back.

"But you know what's an even more interesting question, what's the psychopath got in the bag Jason?"


He has been arrested one time for a DUI which was reduced to a reckless driving charge in January of 2013, that's his alcohol problem. They had an area blocked off for a night half-marathon, and the marathon had already passed; TG lived about 1-1/2 blocks from the blocked off area and he was trying to go around the blocked off area to get home, and the police stopped him and apparently smelled alcohol on his breath and pulled him out of the car. As they pulled him out of the car, several bicycle cops rode up and screamed for him to get on his knees, and TG asked why and said he wasn't resisting arrest, and these 5 bicycle cops wrestled him to the ground and handcuffed him and called a squad car to take him for processing. It was obviously overkill, in fact, it looked like police brutality to me and many others. The bicycle cops got a little aggressive.

It was first broken on TMZ and had been filmed on someone's cell phone.


Thanks for the info.

"But you know what's an even more interesting question, what's the psychopath got in the bag Jason?"


Yep. It was caught on video, as well.

Seemed very odd.


His eyes have always been baggy. I'm not saying alcohol isn't the reason, but my son has really dark circles and bags under his eyes and he definitely doesn't drink at all. Sometimes it's genetic.


SouthunLady, it can also be thyroid issues. IMHO it wouldn't hurt for you and your son to get a simple blood test. I had dark circles under my eyes my whole life and it wasn't until I had my second son that it showed up in routine blood test. I'm not trying to be mean or but in, I just thought I'd mention it.
I've noticed that TG has always had dark circles and a bit of darkness.


No problem, thanks for info. I'll tell my son. I'm 74 and don't really have dark circles, but do have a little puffy eyes in the mornings, but he has obviously dark circles and puffy eyes and we've always assumed it was allergies because he has them worse than most especially after moving to Florida from Tennessee. You'd think it would be the other way around, wouldn't you?


Or he just has bags under his eyes. I know I dont have a problem with alcohol but an annoying one with my eyes.


I apologize if I offended anyone with my bags under the eyes comment. Guess I was just trying to understand why Gibson would behave that way, but maybe that's just the way he is or became.

"But you know what's an even more interesting question, what's the psychopath got in the bag Jason?"


You didn't offend anyone by asking a valid question. I think all of us have asked the same question at one time or another if only in our minds, but as DD below said, he spends long, long days filming then flies to/from San Antonio on the weekends to spend time with his family, a brutal schedule, so that has to be one of the reasons. There are many reasons why his eyes could look like they do with the bags, even genetics.


Yes, could be many reasons for it. Also....they might also have that as part of his character. There's a good chance they're trying to show the stress and rigors of the job by magnifying the bags with makeup as well. He is supposed to be the one on the team with the hardest job, after all.


I think part of the bags under his eyes are because of his work schedule. He works 15-16 hour days, four days a week, so that he can fly home to San Antonio for 3 day weekends.

He didn't get a divorce; however, he is legally separated from his wife. They still share the house in San Antonio and have vowed to stay together until their kids are grown.



In Thomas' People Magazine interview, he confirmed that he and his Ex-wife filed for legal separation in 2011, and the divorce was finalized last December (2015). They spent a year and a half in mediation before finalizing the divorce. They split their time with the kids and each has a separate residence.
