MovieChat Forums > Absolute Zero Discussion > Anyone Else . . . and Things I've learn...

Anyone Else . . . and Things I've learned while watching this movie

does anyone else feel thankful that their name will never appear on the credits of this movie.

1. Science is never wrong, except for historical facts
2. Leggo trees can kill you
3. If you are a girl and are in this situation never try to get a date, the guy will die for no apparent reason
4. There is a movie worse than Zero Hour
5. That being the third wheel dad will get you dead
6. That saying Aww Geez is the best thing to say when a long time friend dies
7. That Mr. Fahey looks like a girl when he cries
8. That things could be worse, can you imagine Horatio Caine (David Caruso) in this movie
9. That good parenting is using a walkie-talkie instead of good old fashioned discipline
10. That a movie can be so awesomely craptastic that it is a joy to watch because of its crappiness


11. Helicopters can fly when the temp is -459.67 degrees, though fuel freezes at 40 below.

12. Snow WILL fall when all molecules are completely solidified.

13. A person will not freeze when there in a pool when the temp is -107 degrees.

14. People won't notice the temp is only 30 degrees.

15. There WILL be survivors after the storm even though the main character states "Nothing will survive, NOTHING!"

16. Its a good idea to save the greedy *beep*

18. When it hundreds of degrees below zero out, a building will be warm without power.


I learned that DVDs for 1$ should be left in the bin.

...and never drive a Volvo in bad weather.

Smoke me a kipper. I’ll be back for breakfast


19. An Evacuation WILL save lives with a less than 4 hour time frame.
20. Polar Shifts cause climate change.


21. The reason people get sucked out of airplanes when the window breaks at 30,000 feet isn't because of the air pressure differential, it's because of the temperature differential (all my other favorites were already listed).


22. That light is affected by temperature, not gravity.


Actually, the idea that light will slow down due to the cold is true. An episode of the documentary called Nova dedicated to Absolute Zero shows an example where light travels through a frozen gas at the speed of a bicycle.

Anyway, here's mine to add:

23. New York can be tropical at the same time that Miami becomes a frozen tundra.

24. A meridian around the world can have polar temperature instead of areas close to the poles.

26. Even when Miami becomes the South Pole, areas that should be at the equator are not tropical.

27. It takes 4 hours and 23 minutes for temperatures to go from beach-going weather to Absolute Zero.

27. At 5 Kelvin, you can shimmy your way to the other side of a building.

28. Humanity can survive as long as the temperature isn't Absolute Zero.

29. Miami looks much like Vancouver.

30. Even with the threat of Absolute Zero, you can ask someone to go to a concert with you.

31. When you may be the last surviving humans, worry instead about the plants.

32. Wind from inside the building can knock you out of a building to your death during a storm.

33. The entire world falls to Absolute Zero before getting their new climates.

34. There can be storms in Absolute Zero temperatures.

Winter is coming


35- When a research team is in danger, you cannot allow them to leave with out samples.
36- Windows will not shatter when it is really cold
37- When running outside, you will not freeze to death in -200 degree weather
38- The emergency generator will work in absolute zero weather

Because a rotting undead corpse is probably a better choice than most politicians
