Moving film

Well done. A suspenseful & very sad story.

Warning: prepare yourself for an extremely disturbing first 5+ mins.

"Hey, how come Andrew gets to get up? If he gets up...we'll all get up...IT'LL BE ANARCHY!!"


I wouldn't classify the first five minutes as extremely disturbing. Not pleasant but its nothing compared to other movies out there
but I agree its very suspenseful and moving!


I wouldn't classify the first five minutes as extremely disturbing.

I suspect that the reason for our difference of opinion here is due to the fact that I'm a woman & you're a man (I'm assuming by your user name anyway )? I think that scene may effect us more deeply than it might a man?

Not pleasant but its nothing compared to other movies out there

True, I suppose, but I was not comparing this to other movies with my comment.

Don't misunderstand my reply here. I'm not trying to be all...just felt the need to clarify my comments, in light of yours, for others who may read this before watching. And yes, its WELL worth watching!! We DO agree on that

"Hey, how come Andrew gets to get up? If he gets up...we'll all get up...IT'LL BE ANARCHY!!"

