Would u recomend me trying it?

As in the myth should i try it in front of a mirror?




wateva ur a liar lol


I can tell you a true story if you would like to hear it...Then maybe you can decide for yourself what you would like to do...Thats if you havent yet tried it...If you want you can PM me...




ok my story...I was like seven or something and it was my sister my cousin and me and we were all at my house. the room was the one my sister and I shared and we had this old mirror..it was attached to the dresser and it was creepy. Well one day someone suggested we do bloody mary and I was like no thats not cool but majority rules so we did..we agreed we would say it and duck if anything happened..We turned out the lights..and the room had red curtains, the sun was shining through, since it was daylight but the room looked red..well my sister and cousin began to say it and i stayed quiet...they ducked after every time and I went with them too..the third time they ducked I decided to look up...When I looked up from the ground I saw this woman in the mirror she was just sitting there and I freaked cause nothing was happening she was in a red dress and had this look...when they turned off the light the mirror and everything was clear..over the years I kept thinking about what it was I saw. I cant say it was her, but ever since then I could feel something stare at me in the mirror and I used to see ugly things in mirrors like bad events or if people would stand next to me in a mirror I would see bad things happen to them...its crazy and weird...but thats my life!


i tried it alone in the restroom with the lights off but nothing happend... although i was really really scare that something could of have happend lol


people at my elementary school years ago would talk about it...i saw these girls come out once with scratches they said they did it...i was like whatever..didnt think much but was scared to do it


I go to a performing arts school, and we are making a feature length horror filmed titled BLOODY MARY, ive already said it like twenty times..but a lot of weaird and freaky things have happen, no jokes. My character gets killed off :( lol. but yeah i havent had a good sleep since filming has commenced. but yeah im starting to believe in BLOODY MARY.


Thats pretty crazy...if you dont mind me asking what kind of things happened?


People would see things in reflections and stuff, the director woke up with cuts across his stomach and went to da bathroom and the mirror was shattered


Thats pretty cool...yeah I told a story about when I did bloody mary as a kid...and ever since then I could see things in mirrors...its not fun




lol i DID IT 100 TIMES AND NOTHING HAPPENED shes not real....its just a made up story so it will scary people....8-)


thats cool nothing happened to you...I used to say the same thing...cause everyone thought I would make stuff up about seeing mirrors and then my friends played a prank on me...and they stopped after they realized i wasnt lying...but I believe you...not everyone sees things.


i did it when i was like 7, and i did it with the lights on, and the next morning there were like 50 fire ants in my room

jason dolley is so hott!


left the door open then?

....back of the net.


I tryed it once but i kept my eyes closed and ran out cuz i was scared lol...I would try it again but only if I'm not alone lol


No one freak out..but in my opinion this Bloody Mary thing is bs.
I've tried it before and nothing happened. Some people say they see things but it's really just there imagination. If you're scared enough and you believe in it enough, you're mind will play a trick on you and you'll think you saw something. When you're really caught up in it, you'll think other coincidences have something to do with it. Come On. Think about, it's not true.

International society of Sarcasm
Like we need your support...


no person, i ddnt leave the door open, that is the weird thing, we couldnt find where they came from

jason dolley is so hott!


I saw this movie last night, and actually ended up sleeping on he couch, because my bedroom is the clostest one to the bathroom. Lol. I was absoluely terrified... in fact, I only slept for like half an hour last night.

I've never done the whole bloody mary thing, and I don't want to. That stuff creeps me out man. After I hear an urban legend or see a horror movie, I can't sleep for two days.

...The clowns will get me.


i did it in front of the mirror. i was 16 and mary was a virgin too. it was bloody
