MovieChat Forums > Power Rangers Mystic Force (2006) Discussion > Best and Worst Power Ranger Seasons

Best and Worst Power Ranger Seasons

This is my first time posting a message on this IMDb, so I hope to make some friends with this question.

Which season of PR do you think was the best and the worst?

Personally, I liked Ninja Storm b/c of the storyline and the many zords they used. The one I hated was Lightspeed Rescue b/c I thought the story and characters were terrible.


I think Turbo was the worst



worst three ranger seasons:
1) lightspeed
2) turbo
3) dino thunder

top three ranger seasons:
1) zeo
2) mighty morphin
3) space

mystic force is alright, i like magiranger better.

wildforce takes my vote for best zords
ninja storm had the best morphing sequence


best 3 wood be
1.mystic force space
3. spd or ninja storm

worst is
3.lost galaxy



To be honest I liked all seasons but my favorite is Mystic Force.


i think that mystic force is the best so far the worse 4 me is power ranger spd the didn't show the battlizer that much and turbo was alittle bad blake foster they have to make him grow up alittle when he morph


God Turbo was the worst.

before the buy out of Saiban by Disney. PRiS was the best for me.
After the buy out. It's a tie right now between PRNS, and PRMF.


i like the first one , lost galaxy e spd
i hate ninja storm and dino thunder.


My all time favorite was Time Force. My least favorite would have to be Wild Force, I didn't really like Cole. Also, why does everyone say they hate Turbo?

Got it Memorized?


My favorite would be Dino Thunder although I enjoyed many other seasons but I dont really have a worst but I didnt not watch Lightspeed Rescue though

Dallas Mavericks ---> Rowdy, Proud, & Loud



and MM


and SPD

reply I haven't watched every single eppy of every single season but I have seen enough to know what I like and dislike. And the lists are as follows:

MMPR (up to season 3...didn't like it at all) was the original and it kicked some quality ass!
In Space...this one could quite possibly be my favorite; it brought back some of the "magic" of the first two seasons of MMPR.
Time Force...Disney got PR back on track with this season; acting was pretty good most of the time, plot was good, characters were believable.
Wild Force...don't ask me why I like this season cause I can't pinpoint it (though I think it is because of Merrick); the acting was some of the worst ever! But I love most of the characters...minus their bad acting.
Ninja Storm...originally I didn't like this one but after watching it again it's pretty good.
Dino Thunder...this one brought back old school with a flair; loved that it wasn't all about Tommy and that this set of rangers were the most realistic in some time.
Mystic Force...why I like it is because of Xander and his charm; the show is quite charming.

MMPR Season 3...didn't like the Ninjetti powers at all.
MMPR Alien Rangers...puh-leeze!
Zeo...kinda bored me plus I really hate Kat (but I'm not a Kim fan either...don't like many of the Pink rangers come to think of it). was just lame and very badly written and a kid ranger?...God that sucked!
Lost Galaxy...all the work that PRiS did to get PR back on track was undone by this season.
Lightspeed Rescue...first of all they are adults and second the world knows that they are rangers; that's not how it's suppose to work; they work for the government...go figure!
SPD...watched a few eppys and the only thing I can say that is good about this season is Bridge. It bores me (mainly the character of Z).
Mystic Force...why I don't like it is the fact that it is so "out there" even for PR; plus they don't wear their power rangers colors in their everyday life like in all the other seasons...well at least as far as I can tell. I'm leaning more to it being in this category...lets see if watching all the eppys effects my opinion.

Keep each other safe: Keep faith.



In Space
Time Force
Dino Thunder
Mighty Morphin
Lost Galaxy


Lightspeed Rescue


In Space was truly the best season for me and Wild Force, the worse!



Best:In Space
Worst/Least favorite:MMPR

NYC Jonny


i loved da 1s in da begiinin mosly cuz of tommy so im goin wif

did u guys notice dat SPD n ninja storm iz like da onlii showz dat didn hav da power rangers b4 iy on da show? every oda PR had the previoes PR oda dan Mystic force cuz iz new

how did u guys not like turbo .. wat about da blu ranger kid ... wen he transforms, he becomes bigger.. dat waz kool

Mighty Morphin- best
SPD- worst


Best: Power Rangers In Space - Great plot, great ending, great episodes, great story, great story twists, cool psycho rangers, and the love interests....

Worst: Ninja Storm - a talking rat?, havent really seen mystic force yet...,but it looks like there is absolutely no connection to the old series...


The best Mighty morphin and Power ranger in space.
The worst Zeo and Power rangers Time force


I am 13 years old and I started watching Power Rangers when I was 5. Over time, I did see all the seasons and most of the episodes.. I have now lost interest in Power Rangers because every single season it seems to be getting worse.... Anyway I havent seen an episode of Mystic Force, but people say its overall, quite good. Anyway my favoruite would have to be In space or maybe lost galaxy... Ones that I thought werent the worst were light speed...



Zeo (loved the Gold Ranger, hella cool)

Time Force (Eric/Quantum Ranger= coolest ranger ever)

MMPR, until Jason and the others left, Tommy was the whole damn show so no one really cared.


Turbo- couldn't stand Justin, and i DESPISE that alpha 6 and that brooklyn accent, GOD it was annoying. And when Tommy and the others left *click* change channel. It would've been better if we had gotten to known TJ and the others but 3 episodes later, bye bye old faves hello new boring members, just like that. I hated them.

Wild Force- Well, it was OKAY (Merrick rules!!!) the things I hated were...
Cole- I wasn't buying the whole Tarzan jungle boy Maya ripoff.
The Growl Phone Morphers- Why does a princess from nature give them mechanical devices to morph?????
The Orgs mission- monsters causing pollution, oh no, whatever shall we do??? *sarcasm*

Dino Thunder- 3 kids riding Tommy's coatails and it seemed like they were trying too hard to remake MMPR. It would've been better if other rangers from the past made cameos but everyone thinks all ranger fans are in love with Tommy we wouldnt care. Plus, Connor's battlizer sucks, stretchy arms, ooh how fancy.


^ lmao very funny
pollution wat shall we do!!
strechy arms how fancy lol


My worst are :
Wild Force(the theme song was annoying)
Ninja Storm (I hated Dunstin)
Mytsic Force (although I do like Daggeron)
My worst rangers are:
Ashley- She sucked as yellow ranger
Sky Tate- Crybaby through most of the series because he wasn't picked to be Red Ranger and made me so mad I hate the color blue
Dunstin-(See my reason for Ashley)


Hey there new buddy!

Personally, this is a difficult question. Turbo was really bad... Yeah, Justin was not my favorite ranger. Then there was Lost Galaxy...and Lightspeed Rescue...and Time Force...and Wild Force...those were pretty bad, too.

The best one was definitely In Space. I liked Zeo and S.P.D. too.


n e one who says MMPR is the worst is not a true PR fan that whole series is n a category of its y is everyone hatin on turbo y'all makin me feel kinda bad for puttin it n my top three:

the three best are

the worst were
1.wild force storm
3.dino thunder

these three were jus a waste of time to make especially wildforce


The Three Best Are:
1.MMPR(Gotta love the first!)
2.Space(This was the season that saved the show!Too bad we didn't get to see the Phantom Ranger)
3.Zeo(The Gold Ranger and the Pyramid were awesome!)

The Three Worst Are:
1.Turbo(Justin--nuff said)
2.Lightspeed(Rangers working for the government wtf?)
3.I dunno with this one.


Personally, I think the best PR series is MMPR, simpley because it was the first. No other show on t.v. at its time had anything like it. It was a live action superhero cartoon. Tommy is the best Ranger ever, my 6 year old niece picked him as her favorite already. Power Rangers in Space gets the silver and I like Mystic Force.
The worst ever is Turbo, sorry. The dumbest stories and Justin, worst Ranger. The other rangers were like cardboard stand-ups, no personality, until PRS. Worst villains, the Orgs from Wildforce.


hmmm..interesting question..well personally i like Season 2 of MMPR and Season 3 because of their ninja powers and ninja zords...k

1.Season 2 and 3 of MMPR
2.Time Force
3.Dino THunder(cause i lke the theme song) sorry

1.Lost Galaxy
2.Wild Force(hate the music and everything bout it) *ugh*
3.Turbo (cause u can tell in some episode or rather through out the whole season they use sentai footage right after they morph...)


The beast seasons of PR would have to MMPR. The worst seasons were, lightspeed and Wild Force. I must admit though..I like the changeup every season bc , its interesting to see the different incarnations of the seires


The best season of Power Rangers will always be the original. The worst 2 were Lightspeed and Lost Galaxy, couldn't stand them! I'd say that I have to disagree with you though, sevien04...I liked it when there was the power changes, but the same people stayed, with them changing out one-by-one. I loved seeing them having to adapt to their new powers and tangle with the new enemies. I loved the transition from Turbo to Power Rangers In Space and them bringing back some of the old characters, Justin and Adam. I do like it when they have the cross-overs, but I still loved the getting of the new powers.

"It's not about right. It's not about wrong. It's about power."


Best: Dino Thunder- I'm a Tommy fan plus Kira was smoking, also Mystic Force I love magic

Worst: In Space stupid


Mystic Fource was the worst THE WORST I CAN NOT STAND IT. #1 the pink ranger was a Dyke they use magic and it just makes me wanna cry. Best were Ninja Storm Dino thunder Space Mighty Morphen Zeo Turbo Lost and all the others were not good.


You preety much like any team or team members thatr that actually met tommy not counting forever red


My faves were MMPR, Ninja storm, and Mystic forcr (cuz I really think that udonna is nicks mom lol)

The worst were zeo (except the fact jason came back and I don't like KAT!!!) Turbo(cuz kat was in it) and Space (its ok but it doesnt make sense)

Neways don't be offended if ur a kat fan but I thought it was stupid and cheap how she just comes in there and tries to fill kims shoes.


1. mighty morphin
2.wild force
4.lost galaxy

1. turbo
2.dino thunder
3. zeo


alot of disrepect for dino thunder the season was good small cast gave the season more creative episode and the vibes was good the actors were good andthis season had a evil ranger the whole season and tommy wasnt even a big part and this season was still good this season was more real based it focused on teenagers in high and it was totally different zords were similar name one similarity and it better not be the white ranger cause most season have the the last ranger evil first


The 3 worst.
1. ninja storm
2. zeo
3. lightspeed rescue

The 3 best.
1. Might Morphin'
2. In Space
3.Time Force


best has to be MMRP, why? least Sentai footage
2nd was Zeo, 3rd was Time Force

Turbo, Lightspeed Rescue, and Lost Galaxy


The Three Best Are:
1.MMPR 3(the only thing I didn't like was that Kimberly left)
2.Ninja Storm (It was the first time they were actually cool. Every other season was like Saved By the Bell faux cool)
3.Mystic Force (I know its not finished yet but it is already amongst my favorites. Magic Rocks!)

The Three Worst Are:
1.Wild Force (I was O.K. with it until it got too lame. When the black ranger and blue ranger started saying "Never give up" so much, I stopped watching)
2. Time Force (I don't know why I didn't like it, I just did)
3. Turbo (Justin...that's about it...)
