Eddie And J.B.L

Firstly what was up with eddie during the benoit match it just seemed like his heart wasnt in it plus i don tthink he there at the end and secondly what was that whole thing when jbl feinted a heart attack and started shouting "melissa melissa" what was that all about?


Eddie was a heel thats why he pretended not to care about the fans or show up at the end. I don't know about the 2nd question sorry.


He wasn't saying Melissa. He was saying Elizebeth. He was doing a Redd Foxx aka Fred Sanford impersonation.

"We sort of like the seven eleven. We are not always doing business but we are always open."


Going into the match, Eddie was p*ssed from the getgo because he wasn't happy with the finish of the match with Benoit. (wont spoil the outcome, although most people will already know and the above kinda hints at it).

He was also p*ssed that the crowd were more into chanting at Bischoff, Raw and SD! wrestlers in the box (hey, blame McMahon for that one Eddie, we didn't want them there) than his match. Also having his nose bust open wouldn't have made him any happier considering he was already p*ssed.


most def. watch an old sanford and son episode and youll prolly get to see Fred sayin "oh elizabeth (his dead wife), this is the big one, im comin to join ya baby", watch two episodes and i guarantee youll see it. but thats what jbl was sayin, Oh Elizabeth. and yea eddie was pi ssed because of the "I f ucked lita chants, then the I got herpe s chants, followed by the you sc rewed matt chants and the f uck you bischoff chants, if ya notice, eddie rolled out of the ring to get them to stop and smartly followed it up with some chops, because noone can resist saying Woooooooooooooo after a knife edge chop. also eddie wanted more time in this match, still a great match, eddie just wanted more time


Eddie is dead :(


Yes, we know already. We've actually known that for quite some time now.

"Viva la raza!" - Eddie Guerrero(1967-2005) RIP


He wasn't dead at ONS and he ain't dead now, he lives on in our hearts.



There were reports after ONS, that JBL was actually drunk that night, leading to a fight between JBL and The Blue Meanie!
