lewis black??

My little brother was watching this show today, and there's some animal that sounds JUST like Lewis Black and is saying the kinds of things he would say. I wasn't looking at the TV so I don't know what kind of animal it was, but...? If he did anything for some show on Cartoon Network, my respect for him has lowered slightly.


it sounds just like him, but i can't find anything about it online... i've been wondering if it was him all day.


I think it's the fish coach... Although she is a "lady" lol

"I know where you keep your gun..."


Actually it is Lewis Black in that episode where that thing is on Mr.Hornbill's shoulder and says,"Take that you cockeyed labotemy* faces!" If you notice at the end you'll see his name.

*I don't know how to spell labotemy.*


thank you! my brother's watching it right now and i've been searching online this whole time because I could swear it was him!


Yesss! Thank you! I am watching the episode as I type and I came here because it was driving me crazy wondering whose voice that was. It sounded so familiar.


haha, im watching it as we speak and i was wondering the same thing. thanks guys.
