MovieChat Forums > Wonder Woman (2017) Discussion > Themyscira question for comic readers

Themyscira question for comic readers

I like comics, but so many comics, so little time, and Wonder Woman's great, but has never really been a favorite.

So my question is, how does reproduction work on the island without men? Do they just appear in another way? Do they all stop aging at some point and Diana was the only child and it's a non-issue? Something else?


In the comics Diana is created from mud by her mom and given life by the Greek gods , most of her sisters are stopped aging when they arrived at magical Paradise Island to escape all the "evil" men .

The man who created WW was a bit of a kinky dude and probably would have wanted an island full of lesbians but that wouldn't have flown in the 40's so I guess that's when Greek mythology was brought in....


The Amazons were depicted as immortal. They had zero population growth. Diana (and her sister depending on the version) were gifts from Zeus to Hippolyta.


So, you’re not aware that the goddess Athena sprang fully formed from the head of Zeus in Greek mythology? And that was the model for conception in the Olympic world? And that they were gods, and did not age, for gods don’t age?

Yeah, let’s read comic books and watch movies instead of, you know, reading and appreciating Greek mythology based on, oh, I don’t know . . . maybe on the chollective unconscious and Jungian archetypes and Plato’s shadows reflected on the walls of a cave, instead of reading today’s version of the Penny Dreadful, an ill-informed, cash-grabbing “comic” book.
