MovieChat Forums > Wonder Woman (2017) Discussion > at this point in the MCU

at this point in the MCU

Overall, so far, I prefer the MCU movies over the DCEU movies. Definitely in part that that’s my preference when it comes to the comic books as well, typically. But I think it’s unfair how the DCEU movies often get unfavorably compared to the MCU movies, citing how uneven the DCEU movies are and so on. But I think people fail to take into account that where the DCEU is right now is comparable to the MCU just before the release of Thor (ie the fourth in each universe). Meaning at that point in time, we had Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, and Iron Man 2. Each have their strengths certainly, but at that point, the MCU felt a little struggley as well.


You can't compare the two.

First of all, we have so many superman and Batman movies now. Decades worth. MCU started fresh with iron man.

Christopher reeves superman alone dominated pop culture for at least as long as Robert downeys iron man. And then There's Michael Keaton's Batman and Christopher Nolans trilogy.

BVS was awesome to me, but I accept critics hated it. Fine. But it was at least memorable. Suicide squad was kinda bad. Ok. That's two movies. MCU pumps out two crap movies on the regular. Thor 2 and iron man 3. Hulk. And another hulk. I don't see superman fans bashing those awful hulk movies.

It's too hard to compare. Mostly because D.C. Haters are really hung up on profits and money. That seems to be their main argument. Which is so weird to me. I can't count how many times some bvs hater has told me that it didn't make enough money and I am in the minority for liking it. As if that's a bad thing.

The fans of each have grossly different expectations of what they want. I liked the idea that superman and Batman stopped fighting because of their moms. I also liked the first avengers but thought the second one was terrible.

Call me crazy but it seems to me marvel fans are super specific about details, and D.C. Fans are kind of like more personally invested in the humanity of the characters.


You're missing the big picture here, and the big picture is that the Marvel movies are fun to watch, and the DCEU films are not. And when I say "fun" of course I mean to a greater or lesser degree, but the fact is even the weakest Marvel films ("Thor") offer a laughs, adventure, eye candy, great big explosions, and all the things that make a stupid film into a guilty pleasure.

I really do feel sorry for the hardcore DC fans, Warners has put them in the position of having to defend the indefensible.


Iron Man had rave reviews and made a lot of money. The Incredible Hulk had mediocre reviews and did little more than break even at the BO. It wasn't a huge success, but it didn't get the backlash that any of the DCCU movies got. Despite this, they would have made a sequel but there were issues with Universal. Iron Man 2 made more money than the first IM and got mixed reviews from critics and fans, but was still better received than the DC movies on average.

Hopefully, Wonder Woman might change things but DC is off to a far rockier start than Marvel.
