MovieChat Forums > Wonder Woman (2017) Discussion > Will most critics be too scared to give ...

Will most critics be too scared to give this a negative review?

Many people accused them of only giving the Ghostbusters reboot good reviews because they didn't want to be labelled as misogynists. Assuming that really is the case (I wouldn't know since I haven't seen the Ghostbusters reboot, but the trailers and TV spots looked like garbage), is it possible they might end up giving WW good reviews just so they can avoid the potential backlash of bashing a movie starring a feminist icon?


I don't know if they will be going easier on the film because of these considerations but I am sure if the film is bad it will still get low scores.

To make a great film you need three things - the script, the script and the script -Alfred Hitchcock


May people accusing the reviewers are misogynist nerds in a basement who can't get a date and are terrified about women taking over the world, aka their comic book. Flat out, Ghostbusters wasn't a bad film, hence the fresh rating. It wasn't exciting or special, though, and that's why to me it's a solid B. There isn't anything glaringly bad about it, it's just not a movie I clapped for in the end.

Every female superhero film has a rotten rating. As they should because wow were they bad. Critics critique films, they don't play into any societal pressures (although I think they always go easy on Marvel films - Thor 2 should be rotten). If Wonder Woman sucks (it might - Gal isn't a great actress, but Patty is good, so who knows), it'll be rated as rotten.


Every female superhero film has a rotten rating.

Those films were from a different time in society. Things are different in the 2010s.


I think male critics at scared to death to give this a bad rating.

And if a female critic trashes the film will they be scrutinized as well?


There is always going to backlash from both sides when it comes to these kind of movies. In the end, I think this film will get mixed reviews.


A female critic would pretend that she liked the movie.


I reckon that they won't be scared at all, in fact, quite the contrary - the critics will be having a field day with Wonder Woman, competing with each other for the 'most toxic reviewer' mantle. It will not be surprising to hear the critics raging about 'terrible portrayals of women', 'unfortunate choices for a female protagonist', 'excessive violence' and whatnot, either. I also expect a lot of them to mention the Captain Marvel movie (not yet in production), clamouring for CM to come out and show that stupid DC what is a female superhero's film done right.


I don't think so. They've given bad reviews to comic book movies about female superheroes before. There was Catwoman, Elecktra, Barb Wire, and Tank Girl.

What's missing in movies is same as in society: a good sense of work ethic and living up to ideals.


Those movies were released in a different time though. The Internet wasn't what it is these days.


No of course not - why would critics care what anyone thinks about them? They get paid and get to watch all the movies they want - if whiny audiences are nagging at them because of their morals who care? They don't for sure


This is just speculation, but some critics might not want all the potentially negative online traffic. Sure, whenever a critic gives something with a huge fan base a negative review, they always have to deal with some angry fans, but pissing off a bunch of feminists? That could potentially be more problematic.


there are very few feminists left, and the ones around dont care about super model wonder woman.


They call it the "Ghostbuster effect" now.

This may be the DCEU's only fresh film because of it. A woman director working on the biggest female hero movie? It HAS to get a free pass or all the liberals will riot.


You sound like Trump.

"People say that reviewers are scared to give negative reviews ...

no, I didn't say that. Other people"

You like to think that if women do well, it must be because the deck was stacked in their favor.


I didn't say that's necessarily what I think. I want this movie to do well. It's just a question I'm bringing the up because I'm not sure if it's true or not.
