MovieChat Forums > Wonder Woman (2017) Discussion > WW Will be One of the Last DCEU Films Pr...

WW Will be One of the Last DCEU Films Produced

Yes, just my prediction but I think DC and Warner will close the doors on this experiment after Aquaman. Nothing can stop WW or JL at this point, even crushing critic reviews and disappointing BO returns. They are too far along in the process. They will be released, most likely be trashed again by critics (and actually be bad movies as well) but make enough money for them to justify finishing The Flash and AM because those two will be too far along to simply halt production.

But that's as far as the DCEU will go, IMO. The untitled film slated for October of 2018 will be cancelled and they'll pump the brakes, stop, and try to figure out what to do next. So that's it; 7 films will be made for DCEU and no more. They will finally realize their mistake and pull back before they are ruined as a studio.

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I've a feeling they'll stop entirely after Justice League or dare I say, reboot the entire thing from scratch. One thing I do see remaining intact is Ben Affleck's Batman because people love Batman and I want to see more of Ben Affleck's Batman personally.

What's missing in movies is same as in society: a good sense of work ethic and living up to ideals.


That's possible but I think Flash and AM might be too far along to drop at that point. ???

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Studios have killed films in development before. And whatever they scrape off the carcass tends to be the worst bits.

What's missing in movies is same as in society: a good sense of work ethic and living up to ideals.




save Ben from the sinking ship because i want him to do a Batman trilogy!


We don't need another Batman movie, much less a trilogy.


yeah right. Batman is the top selling DC property.


That's exactly why he's so overused.


all about the Benjamin's. that's what's up.


And do we need more Avengers movies?


Not quite the best comparison. The best comparison in terms of which Marvel character gets the most spotlight is Spider-Man.


I don´t get it.
Why is it not a the same?
Avengers make the most money because people love to see MCU heroes in one movie.

Batman is like it or not larger than any MCU superhero. I always thought only Spiderman is as equally popular

And people can´t wait for solo Batman movie.


One thing I do see remaining intact is Ben Affleck's Batman because people love Batman and I want to see more of Ben Affleck's Batman personally.



That makes the most sense but this is WB we're discussing.

What's missing in movies is same as in society: a good sense of work ethic and living up to ideals.


The box office for MoS, BvS and Suicide Squad are doing pretty good jobs of justifying several more movies.


I do wonder when WB will finally just admit that this extended universe was a poorly conceived and executed plan.

-- Sent from my 13 year old P.O.S. Desktop®


I do wonder when WB will finally just admit that this extended universe was a poorly conceived and executed plan.

Why? You don't need to hear them say something that they already know. It wasn't conceived well and it's STILL making money. Just imagine what would happen if they make the slightest of adjustments and get this thing on track. The money would be ridiculous.



DC is all they have right now. They won't just pull the plug unless they get an outright bomb. They're not going to be "ruined as a studio" for continuing to make CBMs that people don't like.

Also, it's hardly considered an "experiment". These films are pretty much what they have in terms of staying in the franchise game. There's only so many Harry Potter spin-offs they can make, and those Lego movies look like complete garbage.


and those Lego movies look like complete garbage.

Funny you say that, since "The Lego Movie" ended up being one of 2014's best-received films from critics and audiences, and overperformed at the box office, to now where it's able to spin off an entire Lego universe.

"Lives with no meaning go straight past you, like trains that don’t stop at your station."


It wasn't one of 2014s best recseived films (it didn't even get an Oscar nomination), and Phil Lord and Chris Miller aren't even involved with that godawful Lego Batman film, which looks like every desperate attempt to be relevant imaginable, complete with a rap song and the same overused joke about Batman's parents that was already done to death in the blatantly unfunny original Lego movie.


What's interesting is Henry and Gal have a four picture deal along with Leto and Margot.

So the League probably will end after part two.


Mostly agree, I don't know the exact release schedule, but, I do expect The Batman to get made, and be the end of it.



It's not a success yet; not even close. And as someone said, The Batman will most likely get made but that's it. There's not much exciting happening after that anyway. No one know Shazam, really, no one wants another Green Lantern, etc. It's a dead spot after JL 2.

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We know already DC and WM need/want 750-800 worldwide for SS to be considered a success. It won't make that.

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It could've easily made $750M by now if they had been released in China. But alas, that's $100-150M down the drain. Everyone knows that's a huge market, so don't say that's an excuse. It's a valid argument.

Don't Jûdgê a Boôk by Its Movîe


No, it doesn't.

It just needs to make back its budget, it passed that ages ago.


no one wants another Green Lantern

You should probably come to the realization that you don't speak for everyone.


It's not a success yet

It really is.

No one know Shazam,

Doesn't matter. They will after it comes out.

really, no one wants another Green Lantern, etc

You don't, everyone else does.



You whish something that tou do not have to ever be part of stopped happening?.......why? Cause YOU dont like it?


I think anyone who thinks Warner Bros. is going to pack up ship and go home is high. Suicide Squad just passed Man of Steel's box office, so all three films have surpassed half a billion dollars. You think WB is gonna stop now? They will not.

Wonder Woman and Justice League are being released for sure. They have the contracts done and the movies are slated for next year.

With the popularity of the Flash tv series, the movie will be a go if Justice League does well. Same for Aquaman, they already have Justin Lin on board.

Any movie after that is speculation, but WB's next two movies are the heavy hitters. Wonder Woman has never had a big screen adaption ever, and neither has Justice League. They will probably both do a billion at the box office, which will spur on more films.

WB has also mentioned these: Batman solo trilogy, Birds of Prey/Harley Quinn movie, man of Steel 2, and then the second half of their slate, which is Cyborg, Green Lantern Corps, and a second Justice League film.

They are ramping up to make more spinoffs rather than stop the blockbuster train, and I think they will keep being made until they under perform so badly they have to stop, and that is not happening anytime soon.

