Patty Jenkins.....

Please don't screw this up.... Please..... Give us a good entertaining movie.... It's not that hard....


She won't screw it up. Warner Bros will do that - unfortunately.


I think she said at Comic Con that she was editing the movie out. I hope WB gives her full creative control


They didn't allow Snyder and Ayer to release their movies in theaters without cut stuff. I hope they won't mess with Wonder Woman.


I have more faith in Patty Jenkins to deliver a good movie than I did in Zack Snyder and David Ayer. However, I don't have faith in WB to let Patty do her thing. They're going to interfere -_-


Let's hope Suicide Squad makes as much money as Warner Bros wants, so they can allow Patty do her job with Wonder Woman and not ruin it again trying to "fix it".


Not to defend bad movies or bad film makers but making a good entertaining movie is actually pretty hard.

What's missing in movies is same as in society: a good sense of work ethic and living up to ideals.

