MovieChat Forums > Room 6 (2006) Discussion > What the hell did I just watch?

What the hell did I just watch?

I just want to does a script like this get green lighted in the first place? Did the stars actually read the script? I mean, the chick from Zoolander, the dude from Underworld...Jerry O'Connell...did they really read this script and say "I gotta be in this one." No paycheck would be worth being seen in this pile of crap.

Not one scare, not one! Even the cheapest horror flick usually has something in there to shock or surprise you. But this film just phoned it in all the way through.

BTW, what does room 6 mean? Maybe I lost focus while dozing off, but does room 6 have any relevance whatsoever?

This is the first time I took a chance on a straight to video flick. Never, ever again. Round up all the copies of this film, dig a very deep hole, pile 'em in, cover the ground and salt the earth.



Yea, did you see how they wrote room 6? It was like r66m 6. 666. Kind of stupid since it gave away most of the movie before you even start the movie if you're the type who pays attention to those sort of things.


I dont think this was so bad movie only extremely boring :)


i'm curious as to the difference between BAD and BORING when it comes to a film and aren't the two rather synonymous?


Actually since you probably won't watch this so-so movie again, suffice to say that Room 6 does have relevance to the story and appears near the end as a hospital room that has something to do with Amy's (Christine Taylor) father (without giving too much away for those who have not seen it already). It's really the pinnacle of the film and is the only scene that Amy is battling FIGURATIVE demons as opposed to LITERAL ones...


I just watched about the first half of this movie on TV w/ my boyfriend before I had to leave for work. Although I thought the acting was horrible and I was shocked that Christine Taylor and other good actors were not only in it but that they acted so badly.... I must say I still enjoyed watching it.

I am one of those people who can just relax and enjoy a movie even when it's bad. Sometimes the ones with the bad acting turn out to be the most fun to watch. Anyways... I only saw the first half and I did enjoy the plot so far... so I will finish watching it when I get home.


"i'm curious as to the difference between BAD and BORING when it comes to a film and aren't the two rather synonymous?"

Actually there are many good{well-made} movies that are boring. Pirates of the Carribean, The Godfather, Mystic River, Devil's Advocate{at least for a lot of people}. Then again that kinda depends on attention span.


Pirates of the Carribean?? It's an action movie!


i agree, this was a very bad film,, no point in it all really,, i will say though it's not the worst film ever made,, but it ain't too far away though
are you going to bark all day little doggie,, or are you going to bite
