MovieChat Forums > Room 6 (2006) Discussion > Astonishigly bad direction - possible sp...

Astonishigly bad direction - possible spoilers

It seems like everyone in this movie is a lousy actor, except that I've seen all of them (well, many of them) in other roles where they have done much better work.

I have to lay this one on the director. Some of the scenes are so stiff they creak. Scenes that needed to be effective, weren't. For example, when we see her father in the hospital on that fateful day, he doesn't even seem to be very sick -- which makes the pivotal moment seem cheesy and ridiculous.

Oh, and right when Amy is watching the ambulance pull away down the street, the sound effect that plays sounds exactly like the start of Michael Jackson's thriller. I thought she was going to turn around to confront a phalanx of dancing zombies! The cheesy sound effect was one of many lousy decisions that undermined the film (which is already labouring under a pretty ridiculous premise). In fact, over the next half hour, the director fails to cash in on half a dozen scenes that could so easily have conveyed the panic you might feel if your loved one was injured and you could not find them.

I could go on, but there were so many idiotic scenes that seemed the result of poor directing and editing, as well as inappropriate music and sound effects.

I feel for the actors, because once their scenes are done, they are powerless to do much about the final result.

Oh, and the first few minutes are a huge turnoff. Soooo unconvincing in about a dozen different ways, and the voiceover just doesn't work.

Shame. Could have been a fun, cheesy horror flick. Instead, it's just endlessly awkward.
