Your Quince...

I was wondering if anyone had any stories about how they were about to or having their quince and they were engaging in things that was much more mature or less honorable than a quinceanera should be doing...

I'll start. At the time of my quince I was already sleeping with my boyfriend, my first relationship. Ended up lasting for a long, long time, but I can relate to growing up faster than intended.

I was also running with a local crew of girls causing trouble and making a name for ourselves around the neighborhood (I don't like to use the word gang).

Anyone else?


i cant think of anything
i mean i was only 15,i was too busy watching spongebob lol
i went to the movies w all the guys and girls from my quince but i lied to my mom and said my cousin was taking me.
we hitched a ride w a stranger(chambelan's cousin)
but nothing major
o i was still a virgin,and ALOT of the girls werent
i remember them saying they did it when they were 13 or 14


My quince is in Jan. and I've only had like 3 bfs...nothing major though
I'm still a virgin
Although most of the the girls are not...
And my chambelán is one of my best friends, so nothing nasty or anything.



my goodness mine was sooo long ago (im 22 now)

It was really laid back, i was still a virgin then. Nothing spectacular happened, no fights, just all my aunts and uncles getting drunk and having a good time

^^^Chingo Bells^^^


I had my Quince at the end of July (even though my b-day is in May, go figure?!)

I had a small/ medium sized Quince, outside in my backyard (it wasnt trashy, we had a canopy and it was very classy)

I was just a regular teen, just like i am now
i didnt have a boyfriend, just guy friends
i didnt get into trouble
i did well in school

i stayed the same from my quince to now


Well, my quince was in 1996, and I'm 27 now, and I don't consider myself old or even consider the event sooooo long ago. It was a great time in my life that I'll never forget.
