Very good movie!!!!

This movie is very good and definitely worth checking out. Avoid the nay-sayers on this message board and see this film for yourself -- there seems to be a small group of white supremacist haters going around on various movie threads giving unwarranted negative views and low ratings on ALL movies that features a predominately Black cast.

Beware of these supreme fools!


agreed.... this is a REALLY GOOD movie! i love was sad at parts though....


The acting of the guys with Down's syndrome is very remarkable - actually all of the actors were good- but I don't understand a few things:

1- what did the mother die from? It seemed like she had tuberculosis- yet the boys were able to come see her in the hospital without masks

2-when was this film set? The conditions in those facilities where they were placed were attrocious- seems like something from another era- but what do I know? maybe such deplorable conditions still exist or existed not that long ago

3-how could Isaiah escape from the facility that he was in, get his brother and then escape again? and there is a huge hole in between that time and the present setting of the film- how did they come to keep an apartment if they seemingly had no next of kin and were minors? Are we to believe that the guys who (appeared to be) organized crime figures helped them out? Or even if they got help from Fredro Starr's people or some other folk how did the legal system not put them back into facilities?

These points ruin what could otherwise be a very good film.


3 was one of the biggest issues I had with the movie. If they would have shown that, it would have been realy good. It was so heart breaking to see that scene where he breaks in and sees all the does one excatly get out of there? It can't be easy. I think tis was a good movie that could have been great. It wasn't just not including stuff that hurt it but adding strange elements (Tatum O'Neil is maybe over 50...and people only notice that she is white?...Issiah is a terrible comic). I almost would have rather it had been a simply bad movie.


The second point you mention - conditions in institutions for people with disabilities were atrocious and inhumane just a few decades ago, yet I assure you that abuse and degradation in the disability sector still happens to this day. Not all places, ofcourse, but it still happens. :(


I thought it had problems like plot holes that could have been filled in (and I was confused by someone so miserable attempting to become a comic) but I enjoyed it. Don't take every criticism as white supremascist hating. I pretty much rented this movie becuause I'm a Vanessa fan and was interested in the brothers looking out for each other.


I'm sorry, but I'm going to be one of those people criticizing this movie. I thought it was horrid.

The main character is in no way likable (IMO) and the one person that is likable (the brother) was greatly underused. In fact, the brother who got into trouble was an idiot. He needs to pretty much live off of his brother's earnings because he can't make any money with his embarrassingly bad comedy. Well, why doesn't he get another job? One where he can actually HELP his brother? No, instead he turns to something quite obviously dangerous, thereby bringing the whole mess upon himself and his brother. Why should I feel any sympathy for him when it all could have been avoided? I would have felt bad for James, but again, he was so underused that I didn't have the chance.

Second, he leaves town and honestly thinks that just because he leaves a note for the thugs looking for him, they won't hurt his brother? Seriously?!

My family and I were laughing by the end of this movie because it was trying so hard to be serious and touching, when it only made the main characters look like idiots. I wish I could be more specific, but it has been awhile since I have seen this movie and it is one that I have no interest in committing to memory.

Have any of you seen Tyler Perry's movies? With movies like Diary of a Mad Black Woman, he actually shows people overcoming hardships in their lives, growing into better people, helping one another, the importance of family, and finding peace in faith. They also have some great humor in them (I love Madea!).
