Why no 'M' Rating

I don't understand why this game wasn't marked M for Mature. If the Matrix movies were R and in the game they showed uncensored video clips from the movie complete with blood, violence, and profanity, and the game play is just that violent (maybe not as much blood though), then how come it got off with a Teen rating.

p.s. Please don't bring up Enter the Matrix

Vote this film a 10 and get it into the top 250! http://imdb.com/title/tt0144117/


Personally, I was surprised that the Matrix movies got R ratings. I personally didn't see any reason for it except for in Reloaded when Neo is talking to the Architect. Violent? Yes, but I have seen worse in PG-13 movies.

I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.

This ax was a gift to me from the Czarina of Tokyo.


it was probably rated R because they said *beep* more than once or so. I forget weither it's more than once or more than twice, but if you say *beep* in a movie a certain number of times it's automatically given an R rating *shrug*


XD I didn't know it'd censor my post like that! (first time putting that in a post. I don't insult people with profound words :P)

the *beep* is supposed to be fu(|{ (I hope you can read leet)

