SWAT with shields

Am I the only one that thinks that the SWAT guys with the shields are somewhat...unfair? If you use focus, supposed to be moving incredibly fast, and you run up to them, they whack you away with their shields. I find it incredibly annoying, and maybe an error? Any thoughts?

I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.

This ax was a gift to me from the Czarina of Tokyo.


You are such a wuss!
I've completed it it was so easy


Well thanks for your completely useless response. How am I a wuss because I have trouble with one part? Other people aren't as skilled as you in games as we have lives. Go ahead, continue playing all day as you go about your pathetic existence.

I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.

This ax was a gift to me from the Czarina of Tokyo.


i have more problems with the agents in the "security guard" level. jesus tap dancing christ how fking impossible is it to finish that level in the one difficulty. very impossible. not serious anymore. that's how fking impossible it is.


i agree, the shield swats are SO annyoing.



yeah it was pretty easy the game, im doing it on hard mode now, but mostly still easy, however, really unrealstic sometimes, ur meant to be the ONE, yet commandoes with red bere and the swats can seriously hurt you, ur the ONE for gods sake.



For the Swat guys with shields just jump in the air and attack them.


You can also jump behind them and do your alternative attack before they turn around...then you just have fun tossing them around! :)

My problem is with the "Dodge This!" level. I'm guessing the key is shooting down that chopper, as I have defeated countless agents and soldiers and that is all I seem to keep on failing at. But how do I shoot it down? Is there a grenade launcher hidden somewhere or something like that? Cause simply shooting at it, even in Focus, barely does 1/4 damage to the damned thing. :-(


There is a GL around somewhere on the roof, i think its on the heli pad.


Yea, I found it the next time I played after posting lol. Thnx tho!

I'm now stuck on the chateau level. :( I'm up to the part where u battle the first giant ant. Where do I go from there? This is certainly the most frustrating lvl I have ever played in any game lol.


You can only kill those ants with fires. If you search around a bit, then you should find this staff dealey with a lantern of fire on top. Use that to batter them. Failing this, there should be a big round basin of fire hanging from the roof. This can be knocked down, and then you should manouver the ants into the flames. Hope this helps!

Beyond good. Beyond evil. Beyond your wildest imagination.


The ants themselves weren't the problem, it was the doors lol. But I finaly found the right ones and am now in the final room, battling the Witch. I can't wait till I am out of this chateau!


What the hell were the ants doing in the game anyway? They were soo annoying. That was deffinetly the worst level.
More on topic, the shield SWAT members are fine, but you have to learn not to try to throw them.


what's more infuriating than them banging you with their shields is that they seem to zip halfway across the level at the speed of light to do it. sort of like that really powerful move the vampires had in ETM, but with no charge-up, no warning.



maybe you guys that have trouble with such an easy game just aren't "the One" material. =-)

¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,"No power in the 'verse can stop me."-River Tam~¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,


it would be an easy game if it would do what it's told. but i just got killed because it decided i needed to jump off of what i was trying to jump over, flinging me into the open in front of 3 agents and their super-powered guns, leaving me hanging from the ledge, slowly climbing up while being filled with lead, at which point it decides to draw a gun and aim at the farthest agent when i'm trying to throw the nearest. once i get rid of that, i end up grabbing towards the wall 3 times for no apperent reason, and still being filled with lead from their superpowered handguns.


it seems like they have unlimited range, they can't miss, you can't dodge, you can't counter, and it always knocks you down. itt's absolutely infurriating. aerial throw usually works on them, but this game has a tendancy to not do what it's told. i'll jump over to them, get in position, hit the button a thousand times, land without anything happening, and get knocked on my ass by the damn shielded prick. or, it'll lock onto some other soldier and throw him instead, even if he's behind me. or, if it's the rooftop level, it'll do the other throw and propel me off the edge with him.
