Next Matrix game...

I don't know about all of you, but I think it's high time they made a GOOD matrix game!

Don't get me wrong, this one was good...just not what I thought it was gonna be. My hopes:

They use this as a learning experience, and make another Matrix game. Not one based on any movie, a game where you're a new character, in a different time, altogether. Maybe in the future, you're a new redpill, who is then unlocked, and you discover that you are the next "one". Or maybe in the past, where you could be the first "one"!

The graphics could be better (they WOULD spend more time on it, than this one/ETM) the controls improved, the gameplay improved (I know that's similar to controls, but I meant in other aspects) and the story ORIGINAL!!! Like a whole new game series, only it's the Matrix!

This series has SO SO SO much potential in the video game world...and I hate to see it wasted...

That's my opinion, what do you guys think???


I think a series on the previous "Ones" would be a good idea.


i think being able to choose good or bad side could be cool. and being able to choose/unlock characters e.g trinity...


I think they should give The Matrix license to someone other than Shiny. They have messed up twice now. EtM was terrible, PoN was even worse.

As some already said, a few games baes on the previous "ones" would be great.

Imagine there's no heaven.
It's easy if you try.

God is an imaginary friend for adults.


I think they should do the new game a la Hidden and dangerous, something between action game and strategy with Morpheus crew or a game with some of secondary characters, like Switch (she's my favourite). And not Shiny, of course.

Half Life rules


They should give the license to either Bungie or Rockstar. And the next game should be based on a completely new plotline set in the past. Or even based on the Agents or Smith's rise to power. That would be great!


mabye Matrix: tycoon, create your own matrix!

But seriously they are wasting chances, they should, IMHO, do the past 5 'Ones' becuase they would work better in games than on films most important link ever


"EtM was terrible, PoN was even worse. " You can't be serious. I find it hard to see how it could get worse than EtM. This game wasn't all that bad, not near what I expected though, then again, I probably shouldn't be expecting that much from Shiny.

For the last time I don't want your giant box of porn!



Since Shiny is no more i highly doubt they'll be making a new Matrix game.

Basing it on he previous Ones would be boring, we know there story we saw there story, imagine Neo's story without Trinity and thats that. However basing it on Seraph, or a seperate crew altogether would be good.


mabye EA will get it most important link ever



Shiny really dropped the ball on both of these titles, not only are the graphics terrible (as many have mentioned before) The level design is horrible (upsidown chateau levels anyone?) its ridiculously glitchy, the shootouts are terrible (gun sounds, weapon effects, targeting system, etc.), it runs poorly (slow framerates on all the consoles and especially PC), random drops in attention to detail, (you can only use certain weapons from the movie in MOVIE-SPECIFIC levels, while the game states otherwise) and of course the ridiculous, highly promoted "alternate ending". It really is a huge disappointment for fans, all the time and money put into these games means nothing with such a terrible developer. Shiny was the worst possible choice, I have no idea why the Wachowskis went to them after Bungie turned down their offer to make a Matrix game. Can you imagine if you had the Matrix license, the Wachowskis, the actors from the movies and a solid game developer? ETM had 3/4 of those and look what it became. Path of Neo stepped it up a little bit, but is still overall very disappointing. The Matrix deserves much better than this, at least in game form, if we're going to have to suffer through two medicore sequels (Although with the exception of the dance scene Reloaded was pretty good, if only for the action), can't we at least get a few decent games? I mean the concept of Path of Neo is a great one, but again its execution is what killed it in the end. I would have figured that after the travesty that is Enter the Matrix, they would have switched developers, but I guess sometimes you can have too much faith in people...


I loved the idea about being the One and choosing between good/bad choices...I think that would have the potential to be an E X T R A O R D I N A R Y game!!!
But they should set it up in the future,so the ending can be unknown and more then one depending on your choices,but at the same time having a giant effect on your personal Matrix storyline that you experience while you play the game.

Goodness is greater then wisdom,and the realisation of this is the beggining of wisdom.


They should give the license to Rockstar. Imagine an RPG MAtrix game like GTA SanAndreas. It would be great.


like The Matrix Online for example.........


I say they make a matrix game where you can choose any of the main characters at the beginning. ex. you get to fly the neb in the real world to neo's location after his rebirth. Get to drive the caddy in the freeway chase, and most of all, improve on what PON had. Using the same type of formula that was used in ETM, how each player had their own story. i mean with these next gen systems, imagine how insane something like this could be. as an unlock you can be an agent, etc. be able to fight an agent on top of a truck. They would need a much better developer tho. Bungie would be a top choice, look at the halo series and what they've done.


How about a game where you get to be Agent Smith. Except this tiime you have chance to actualley stop the one and those other meddlers.
