Marc Senter

saved this film. Jack Ketchum's books are poorly written, gratuitous gore-fests and this movie ended up being nothing but the same. I was hoping either Sally or Katherine would be related to the two girls slain at the beginning, and wold be setting Ray up for a vendetta. Of course, this would be too much to ask of a hack like Ketchum.
Marc Senter's great portrayal of a psycho was the best I've seen since Wes Bentley in P2. His acting, and a really good soundtrack, caused me to give this a 5 instead of a 1.
This movie could have been so much more than it was.


Marc Senter was fantastic and outrageous..loved him!

"...if only you could see what I've seen with your eyes!" Roy Batty


Marc Senter was over the top...
reminded of of Jim Carrey in Liar Liar.

but he really carried the movie.
the ending was so crazy it was almost funny.

I liked it better than I expected..
and Ray Pye is a character to remember.

